Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by IlIIllIlIlIlZEUSSlIlIlIllllIlI, Apr 23, 2011.

  1. Nicely done. Easy to understand. Thank you
  2. My god this is good.
  3. That was really helpful, thanks
  4. Really helpful, but I would like to know what tc means... is it tutor chat???
  5. Hey u forgot to put what a cow is! And rp!!! Lol just letting u know!!!
  6. And what about tb??
  7. U for got to add me in S
  8. u were added in C
  9. Very helpful, indeed.
  10. This thing is old you guys gotta figure that their are things left out
  11. This covers pretty much all you need to know if a new player, if more of an experienced player you'll pick up the more complicated terms as you learn the game.
  12. Zach just wanna make sure

    Bc means all your dormmates are lvl4 right? No matter what tier they are?
  13. farming