
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-AC-EpiclyImmortalized_Isaac- (01), Sep 3, 2011.

  1. Sorry penguin
    Thanks spongy
  2. Isaac, I wish you all the best at Ordo hun, fresh start and all that. Good luck 
  3. Thanks. Now I'm focussing on volleying in the event as much as I can.
  4. Good luck at ordo Isaac...and the next time we meet will be on a field of battle  take care issac
  5. Nope we are meeting tomorrow. You're helping out at the volley event right?
  6. Nikita, nikhola: Wish we chatted more often
  7. Epic! Wishing you the best  and thank you!
  8.  aww i am human..far from perfect..but i will miss u hun..enjoy Ordo 
  9. Love

    take care of yourself

  10. My ex boyfriend is in A51