a very greedy bus driver 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Firbmthaawcmtmiw (01), Sep 18, 2011.

  1. One of my bus drivers forgot to puck up a group of 10 kids at a stop..multiple times then he showed up at the wrong school
  2. How rude.
  3. The man was an imbecile and probably wasn't smart enough to drive the bus in the first place
  4. I would of shoved some fudge up his.. I mean YELL AT HIM
  5. Lmao  that happened too my big bro. He got in a taxi with his friends and asked too be taken too his school (an all boy school) but the bus driver took him too a girls school instead 
  6. That cabi was a good person I would have tipped him extra for bringing me to the girls school
  7. Lol jk  id smack him
  8. Yes but my bus driver spitt in my eye with out saying sorry!!!! 