A Tribute

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, May 2, 2015.

  1. Aww the pain.

    ?He totally deserves the recognition.
  2. I support.100% He did a completely selfish act this morning.expecting no return . above and beyond what anyone would do.
  3. Cherrio. Shed tears for this thread
  4. Awww poor Nick.

    Great comic though, other Nick. 
  5. Nick, brilliant, thankyou so much for sharing your art and humour! 
  6. Great comic :)
  7. Nice one Wolf.
    I support. Nick deserves to get this Blue.:)
  8. Nick deserves it. He makes everyone else lives easier and the guides really help me. He is also very helpful around pimd (in his own secret way) so yes 500% sure that Nick deserves Blue
  9. Support ? Nick should of gotten this by now & def deserves it. Your guides are great Nick it helps out so much. Thank you for putting in so much time in making them hun.

    Great thread Wolf!!
  10. Awesome as always Wolf… Support
  11. May I ask which act this was? :?
  12. I just got a key for her that's all lol
  13. I commend yuh then! Quite a generous act as well :D I already like you

    can I have a key too? :(
  14. I love it when other people do the math for me! Thank you build guide making people! ?
  15. Nick definitely deserves to be blue no doubt about that! He's always helpful and a very friendly sweet person!
  16. Love this!! Support
  17. They should make a Nick avatar with Rubiks cube and his 3x3 record (isnt it like 8.-something seconds?) and losing to me on SSBB ! :D
  18. Nick makes amazing guides and always helps with questions I remember asking him bout max plunder when we was smaller.


    ?and this always makes me laugh. He's helped a lot of people when wars always happened
  19. omg country️ i made that such a long time ago