A Tale Of 3 Wee Willies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PureTaco, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. Doritos Locos Tacos? ??

  2. That was my expression!
  3. I get along with furk and no name. Either way this thread is kinda bashing. I don't like this thread. No support. Booooooo.
  4. I respect your opinion!
  5. This kid is a savage.

  6. Damn straight
  7. :lol:
  8. Okay I don't even know if he still remembers me, but ....

    ? Furkinator is a really nice guy... This kinda hurts  Everyone's seeing your side of it, but they don't see who he is as a person... He'd defend another person in a heartbeat but doesn't much care for himself, and he's generous, and kind, and doesn't hold himself in high regard, and I don't even know what I'm trying to say anymore ?
    But he's a great person and I'm happy I got to talk to him.

  9. Support! This drove me to tears! He's such a nice guy going through so much trouble to use 6 accnts to pin me I love you furk!
  10. People aren't rational when it comes to the ones we care about. You'd do anything in the name of their defense. Even if you only know them though a game.
  11. [​IMG]
  12. Taco, all youve managed to do by this is let everyone know you're desperate. You have little control of your life so you bully smaller stats on here. Battle list hit, my ass. You're twice his size easy and dont give me that crap that he can pin you cause of his stat items, you idiot. You are just another noob that needs to ne put in his place.
  13. I dont hide behind alts taco. I have one account and only need one account. Stop talking out your rear end taco. Everyone knows u are full of 

  14. Twice his size? look at his rs, and tell me who's twice his size. Go back to the Smelly feet in the dungeon rp BurningNoobalation.

  15. The beautiful forum people love me️ I was hoping for your love someday too furk that's why I made you this forum
  16. you r just a tosser

  18. His RS aint the problem, Taco, you are. And its all on you. My friend is the victim here, not you, so dont act all high and mighty you delusional hypocrit.

  20. Butthurt, huh? You're maturity level is that of a 10 year old. Posting this in foruma just tells everyone you want attention. Everyone can see it.