A Song of Ice and Fireworks

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 21, 2016.

  1. Who cares 90% of the avatars on here are from a show,game,or movie 
  2. They usually have Canada gifts then?
  3. Thank goodness the apes got their old artist back.
  4. You guys are so close to what people really want, just one minor adjustment. Make the bottles giftable ?
  5. Oh and just remove tiers all together. With giftable party drops it'll stimulate the economy ?
  6. I want to try my luck on the bottle but ven the spinner is no good for me 
  7. Finally!
    A Game of thrones hunt?
  8. There was one last year around the same time in the season (the final episodes). Sansa, Jon, Khal Drogo, and Dany were avatars
  9. Clearly the drop rates have either changed or are similar to last hunt (Spyfall). Any confirmation as to which? If they are changed permanently, what are the drop rates now for max cat, bikini, ppotd, and potd?
  10. Ooo love the new avatars totally will be there
  13. Am i the only one who thinks that this event is like game of thrones..? 
  14. G.o.t 
  15. Benci tol event gini
  16. Same thought
  17. Why is half of the surf board transparent? There's a big gap between surfer and board. Awkward.
  18. Where do get the new spy avatars
  19. Omg i thought i was the only one that notice it lmaooo