A Scammer's Diary

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *BunanzaTheBunny (01), Oct 13, 2011.

  1. And you can be more messed up than you really are? Just because people don't know who you are?
  2. Not nearly as guilty if it was face to face.
  3. I was just like : eh.... Whatever, and got on with my life, like you all should too 
  4. But he doesn't feel guilty.

    It makes him feel special that he can be a bully online like so many others.
  5. Who's to say bun is messed up? For all we know he could be a 30 year old multimillionaire that made his fortune selling self-help pamphlets.
  6. So you make other people feel worse to make yourself feel better?
    That's the definition of bullying
  7. scaming is fun and easy
  8. You act as if I just hated on a kid for being overweight, or having bad teeth, or liking a certain thing.

    It's just virtual money, calm down.
  9. I'm not seeing the problem here. All of ATAs games are designed to gain from the loss of other players.
  10. Thank you, iExx.

    Like I said, PimD is weak.
  11. I don't know what we are talking about anymore. But did no one think...even though he didn't say so and he may deny it...he made this thread sort of as an I'm sorry thing? Without saying I'm sorry (almost the opposite but he didn't have to tell anybody at all). I'm trying to see this from his point of view too. I gotta admit it's still bad (really wrong) but.... Just wondering. 
  12. Bully/bullying:
  13. Bullying doesn't involve making yourself feel better 
  14. Lol, I love how you contradict yourself.

    It's just virtual money.

    Then why scam for it? It may not mean much to you but to new players who are enjoying the game and have worked hard for their money, it's just rude and arrogant. This has nothing to do with the game, this is about people not wanting to work the honest way for their money and decided to cheat instead.
  15. Same mentality as the Romans at the coliseum 
  16. By that, I mean that you guys are overreacting.

    "You are a murder!"
    "A bully!"

    It's not something to get all roused up about.
  17. I like posting on this thread known that everything I say will be ignored 
  18. I stated you were a bully.
    Didn't use an exclamation point.

    And I was referring to when you threw your weight around with bullying the small clubs. That's intimidating - bullying.

    This isn't bullying. This is simply quite sad and rude.
  19. If you look at it this way, bun is helping more than people who use the battle list.

    When bun sticks a person with a 350m tutor the person with the tutor is in a position to make a 50m profit, all he/she has to do is sell the tutor.

    The battle list is pure gain for the attacker and pure loss for the victim.

    I choose both parties profit over one losing and one gaining.