A Reminder: Farming, Harassment and In-Game Extortion Policy

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Sep 7, 2017.

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  1. Fake sfw is all words, no hits. Whenever you decide to hit me, then you can call it a sfw. If you wanna get me kicked from clubs though how bout you stop lying to them. We ain't in sfw, you just don't like me. Fact.
  3. No one cares about your “knowledge”. Why u tek gaem su srs
  4. R4R won't work on me, try again
  5. You'rr wrong. I joined EX because I was still a noob, and being farmed by -7-. I didn't know how to handle him stripping me with money he didn't have and stuff. Joined EX to try to defend against that. I probably didn't even know who you were at that stage of the game
  6. I never said they wouldn't doofus, I just asked what was so wrong about that?

    Assuming your ridiculous claim, true
  7. I'm tired af. I thought you meant PM.

    Double confused. EX farmed you guys? I was just there to grow and hit whomever was in CA. Don't remember you guys in there.
  8. nice
  9. Kefo you farmed us for nearly a year.

    I dropped my -juile- account to 0/0 per the terms of Kaths cf and guess what.....

    Yall made noob account to keep hitting my 0/0 account and didnt stop hits on any other account. You want the proof? Go look up "-juiie'"

    You want a ss of kaths terms? Message me

    You want ss of the inc after cf? Once again, message me.

    Cfs are not a thing anymore. They mean nothing.
  10. I've never been in EX for a year straight, but I'll take the credit for helping them win in an SFW, since you've given it to me.

    Shucks :3
  11. go ahead, take credit for settimg the precident that cfs mean nothing and you'd be an idiot to take one. Gg

  12. When all you want to do it party, but you keep getting kicked from clubs
  13. Never said I wanted to party. Does it matter if I do or don't?

    I'd like to play the game without 80 stalkers all over my ass though. That'd be nice. Never gonna happen, but I can dream.

    Also, thats a pretty funny meme coming from you kiddo. Insert WWII joke here.
  15. You're a disgusting human being, Julie.
    I hope you know that.
  16. My backs against a wall Kefo, you wanna keep pushing me I will push back. Poke poke poke
  17. But you said you never receive hits so what’s the problem ??

    Only problem I can see is you getting kick from clubs
  18. It's been over 2 years since I've been able to join any club but Iconic.

    Do you enjoy sitting by yourself for years on end?
  19. Well that’s what you get for joining in a big sfw that is going on between them clubs.

    I wouldn’t even visit codes for that simple fact that I could have numerous people on my fairy arse
  20. Y'all think I'm an asśhole, why is that?

    Perhaps I'm tired of sitting on the outside looking in...

    Perhaps if I were given a chance to actually play, I'd not be such a cranky a§shole.

    But as things are now, this is all the fun I get to have. So you're stuck with the a§shole Julie that you all created. Enjoy :)

    And Kefo, sorry not sorry. Your ancestors would be disgusting by the way you treat me. They endured similar persecution since the beginning of time, and here you are jumping on the bandwagon. You're a disgrace.
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