what about someone farming you (and bringing others to do so as well) and your old pup until your old pup hires you back so they can get their money back?
Wow you guys talk a lot, I haven’t bothered to read any of it cause I’ve been busy hitting you all, but’s it’s cool, y’all can keep ranting lol
You hit an hour ago andbefore that, you haven't hit in over 24 hours. The only reason you don't bother to read what I said is because you know if you do, yo ass would need to sit the fûck down and rethink your pimd life cause that's how stupid you are. You say you're too busy hitting me and others, yet you're too busy being a CC Fairy. Don't go talking shît behind cc stats ya chump.
Funny you say that. She brought her cc nub buddies into this and I was promised 1k Fight Losses. All they've been doing is dancing and pranking. How's that building up my fight losses?