and here i thought you could only go so far off the deep end make sure my storyline includes a hot redhead pls julie
Sorry it doesn't. One day you'll realize that you have become me(and our partner has black hair). By that time, it'll be to late. I created you & I shall destroy you, personally.
You already are, see what I mean about being to small minded to see it? Detached from reality lulz WE LIVE YOU SLEEP
Don't worry minion, I won't program anyone to believe we have some sort of love affair going on. I'm only here to feed my worms.
Stop ingesting them any time you please. Unfortunately you just don't know how to do that though, and I won't be the one to tell you anymore. I tried to save as many of you as I could. Somebody will always be feeding you seeds, at this point it may as well be me. You can thank me later.
Then you all should look out for _Mr-Nicely-Nice-Guy_ and all his alts cause in the past he asked my rs to send him nude pics and he will stop , lucky my rs never gave him any other social media app or phone # , we had to get help from other players to make him stop but after looking on his wall just yesterday, he is still doing this to every woman who turns him down or doesn't get what he wants