STORY PASS A Rain Of Peach Blossoms

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATABurgerRP, Apr 7, 2020.

  1. ATA, those prices aren’t cute, and neither are you.
    raichuuu, B2147, Rylai and 12 others like this.
  2. I think they were 199ec each 🤔
    Hera likes this.
  3. I went from being a player who had a minimum 20k+ drops every hunt and over 70k+ if I really liked the hunt.

    Now I can hardly drag my ass on it's just so disappointing. Even though I still enjoy my friends on here. Still like the simplicity of the overall game... The greed is just... A bit much.
  4. My thoughts exactly. Ugh.
    B2147, Zachary235, Kat1944 and 4 others like this.
  5. She means that whether or not you receive the avatars is dependent upon if you answer "correctly." All these answers are correct in this pass.
  6. Stats of avis?
    90sL0V3 likes this.
  7. How do u go to the story
  8. Is there a difference between the three choices you can pick?
  9. $25 for one multi-stage avatar in the middle of a global pandemic. Uhm, alright. I get that y'all are a company and you have mouths to feed, etc but this is low, imo.

    I don't really care for the direction PIMD has been going in for the past year. Everything is so expensive. This place isnt the same. I'll continue to hit parties and collect free stuff but I think I'm done putting cash into this app. I'm generally reasonably agreeable to price changes/changes in general etc but, this honestly was the final nail for me.
  10. Love the avis but wish the pass was tradable😢
    Zachary235, Jinger, Siyo and 3 others like this.
  11. I love it 🥺 I wish there was an option though to separate. Like if I wanted just one I could pay at the original 99 ecs since it looks like it’s a 90 day story and I couldn’t be able to finish both in that time and I’d lose my money by not doing all.
    Zachary235 likes this.
  12. They were! I double-checked the event thread and found the pass item in someone’s showcase. So the Frostrune pass was 199ec each (m+f pass being 398ec) with 4 avis for each pass. This one is 249ec total for one pass that allows you to complete both storylines (one at a time), so 8 avis total if the whole pass is completed.
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth and Muschi like this.
  13. I'm mostly referring to getting a set of 4 avatars despite the choices. Ata did not compensate players for the debacle of Myth pass. I'm still hesitant on this pass, and I would not spend money on this one. The post should be completely forthcoming on the awards. Because ATA didn't even compensate the cats people were supposed to get in the last tier according to some people who had the right choices.
    My faith is not completely restored, but if no one complains about the pass, then I'd be satisfied with the changes. Its ultimately to pricey for me considering I would need to also do a gazillion cats
    B2147, Dhiwatah and Muschi like this.
  14. I absolutely LOVE how during one of the worst times in the world prices for things have been jacked up to all holy hell. I get y'all have mouths to feed but this is disgraceful majority can't afford this and tbh I wish I was around to see what it was like before because everyone is saying things used to be great and I see none of that greatness at all.
    Lily_, B2147, Zachary235 and 11 others like this.
  15. What’s the Staaatssss? 🥺
  16. YOOOO why aren't the passes at least tradable or giftable. WACK
    B2147, Zachary235, Jinger and 5 others like this.
  17. Is anyone else not getting the fans from every cat party?
  18. what does it mean by wrong choices??
  19. A rain of Crap!
    ShortnSweet and 9 like this.
  20. Last story pass gave you options to choose from inside the story on which "path" you wanted to take. Some of these choices were incorrect and prevented you from getting the final tier of avis. This story pass, ATA decided that the options inside the story will not affect your ability to receive the final tier of avis. The options will only affect what tasks you complete to get the avatars!