A open letter to EpiclyIsaac

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Echo-, Oct 15, 2011.

  1. Kick, I could say the same to you.

    I'm dying inside listening to your mini rants that don't have any puncuation.

    Please go to school, before you insult us. Because I guarantee, you will fail. Miserably.
  2. I have not broken tou you can not ask me to leave
  3. If you don't have anything to say, Kick, just leave  I don't wanna deal with a crappy baby like you. Btw, I think it's time for you to change your diapers.
  4. Kick leave my thread.
  5. I say. Why is we speaking about trust?
    Is someone being emo....
    Erm..., I mean sincere o_o

  6. The thread owner can
  7. If the owner of thread asks you to leave, you leave. New rule.

    Oh yeah, one last message. You need a girlfriend 
  8. Kick, please leave. Or I will have to put on my gloves and use a stick to poke your wrinkly 74 year old buttox. >_>
  9. Blah blah this thread is about me, nothing for you glory-hole do buzz off and learn some Chinese.
  10. Exactly, Issac. 
  11. Isaac, don't say the word gloryhole in my presence. >_>
  12. Epic, you also need a life so I wouldn't be talking.

    Take a look outside. See the birds and the sun? That's a life, get one 
  13. i think he left
  14. Kick, 你去死吧。
  15. Intact I like you IMPERSONATOR more than that actual Isaac
  16. Kick, 他媽*. 
  17. Isit epicisaac