A open letter to EpiclyIsaac

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Echo-, Oct 15, 2011.

  1. That was an accident.

    (can't use emoji =\ iOS 5)
  2. Thanks, 2nd Commander, Axel

    AHA! It worked! Lol

    The shortcuts work!
  3. But I did announce myself after 2 minutes right?
    That's not "sneaking".
    Remember I played a game with you guys? I asked you to guess my name?

    If I was "sneaking" I would have camped there and never reveal myself.
  4. Not 2 minutes.

    The rules clearly state you have to state ALL Alts before joining

  5. Thanks, 2nd Commander, Axel*

    Damn posting crap :roll:

    I got iOS 5 :3
  6. Ohh. The rule WASNT THERE THEN.

    After I told you it was me after A few minutes you got angry and added a new rule.
  7. So incase I ever joined. Have to tell u all mime Alts. Isn't that kinda stupid , just say no Alts allowed or something
  8. Axel, problem is that I did reveal myself after a few minutes. That's not sneaking or spying.
  9. Well Isaac does have to say it's me it's his choice , and if he didn't know cheeky was there is not his fault . People don't look through member before they apply (I do only when I m nit sure or dont Care)
  10. Only stalkers do :roll: you invited my main. what's wrong with my alt joining? It's just 50kcs lesser :|

    The last of the epic's, ~_
  11. :roll: The rule was already there
  12. But I did announce myself[/b]

    That's the problem. So you dont welcome me.
  13. And Alts ARE allowed. All you have to do is tell me all of your Alts :roll:

    Isaac- I've noticed a pattern. Whenever I am in a club with Chloe in it, you join so you can apologize.
    Take it to pm, don't use clubs to do that sort of thing :roll:

    Long live the trolls❕
  14. You are supposed to tell us BEFORE you join. Not at the last moment
  15. I wanted to stay there. You imagined things.
    It's your fault for losing a powerful member ;)

    I never followed you to "every" club. Stop making mountains out of molehills.
  16. I did tell. A few minutes later,
  17. You never asked anyways :roll:

    So what's next? All members who join must give their address too?