Meulin Leijon The remainders 20 Energetic, loves hearing about romantic interests, adventurous, bubbly, very cat-like, almost anything can impress her, has a large imagination. Went deaf as a child, as long as she can read lips or sign its not a big deal. Lived with her mom but never knew her dad. Lived a normal life moving around before waking up in a wasteland with her mother no where to be found. Never losing hope maybe she's still out there, looking for her.
Kirsten: She sits beside Alice, noticing how young she looks, and how terrible this must be for her. "You alright?"
Kirsten: "I could be better." She smiles, then fiddles with her florescent hair. "We've got a whole new world to look forward to."
Jess: *paces up and down, her stomach quietly growling* Liz: *sits on the ground, drawing in the dirt*
Kirsten: "I'm Kirsten by the way. And may I just say, how brave you are, to be coping with all of this."
Jess raked a hand through her dark hair, her eyes narrowed slightly. "Have we got any food left?" She questioned in her light British accent. After the drawing was complete Liz smiled a little. She flicked her blonde hair out of her eyes, walking towards where others were.
(Accepted.) He puts on his black leather sleeveless jacket and black Ray-Bans. Then he shuffles on over to Kirsten and Alice. "Ehhh.. Do you two need anything from the city?"
Indy "Ok..." He picks up his backpack and helmet off of the ground, and starts walking back to his motorcycle.