EVENT A Life in Ruins

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Jun 10, 2021.

  1. Also I appreciate the incentive for voting on the dorm XC. I'm already getting wayyyy more votes than I normally would after only 15 minutes of it going on. Incentive is good, more healthy competition ✌️
  2. I like the hunt and only 2 weeks this time. Nice.
    But come on, the ONLY asian avi AGAIN in boxes? I feel like you rlly haves some weird fk up problem with design at least few more asian avis🙄. A large fking part of the community is asians and almost all we gets is ppl of colour and caucasians with a few asians put barely here and there and ofc making them almost unavailable for most.
    Lydia, -SexySoul-, V4MPY and 4 others like this.
  3. There’s three black ppl two Caucasians and three Asian people what’s your point exactly
  4. We waited 3 weeks for this shit. They need to stop trying at this point.
    dangerhighvoltage likes this.
  5. I hate it that means more break from pimd for me
  6. Dissappointed. The dorm looks great on the right side in my opinion, but looking to the left side it starts to suck. The avatars, one of them I love the hair and makeup... The outfit I didn't like. The avatars got me a little down, I'm not feeling the fun of PIMD with this hunt.
  7. The avis are cute but I expected better after 3 weeks of a basic hunt
    V4MPY, Fawn378, SweetAsYonii and 2 others like this.
  8. Cute!
    SonieAdrey likes this.
  9. So cute🥰
  10. Its Not really good but not really bad tho🤷🏻‍♀️
  11. Love the box avi but that’s it
  12. I love this! I can’t wait to collect all the avis & furni. Thanks :)
  13. Kinda sus
  14. I had every chance to get a nice perfect chair with green leaves that might just satisfy what I’ve been looking for. But instead I was robbed with a trinket “chair” item, instead of a real chair. 😪
  15. This is wtf that 3 week hunt was for?
  16. Maybe I'm odd, but these are my favourite avatars in a long time 💙 super cyoot
  17. I like the dorm
  18. interesting
  19. I feel like it’s the other way around… every other dorm gets a like even if they suck. Ppl aren’t paying attention, just trying to get the lite boxes. I’m glad you enjoy it! I’m just not a fan 😔