LMAO. What about Jesus? Man he's like the one about wisdom and love. Actually he's like a pathway to God.
Mickayla and Brandon were silent. The whole drive to wherever they were going, whicj Brandon still had no idea where that was. But he didn't really care, He just wanted to find his Chloe. Is it wrong that he still thought of her as his, when all he wanted to do was hold Mickayla in his arms? Unfaithful? Yes. It was wrong, but Brandon couldn't help it. He didn't understand his feelings for Mickayla. But he knew he loved her. Either loved her like a little sister or a best friend. Or as the girl he wants to spend the rest of his life with, this feeling was strong. 'oh Rozzi what have you gotten yourself into now?!' he thought as they drove along the bumpy road. After a few hours of driving, Chloe and Brandon stopped at a big house. It's lawn was unkempt and the windows were dusty. There was a swing set out side but it was rusty and creaking. The night was young and the moon was out. The perfect scene for a horror movie, thought Brandon as they got out of the car and walked down the driveway. "what is this place?" asked Brandon cautiously. He knew Mickayla was still PO'd and he didn't wanna make her hate him even more than she already did. "We are at Jhon Dumas' house. Be quiet. We can't be caught." she said with a whisper. Her voice was cracking and you could tell she was scared. Brandon grabbed the girls hand and quickly gave it a tight squeeze, looking her in the eye, showing that he wouldn't let anything happen to her. When he did so, something came crashing thru the window on the right and Mickayla instantly grabbed Brandon and swung him in front of her, his back towards her. She grabbed a crystal knife from her boot and held I against his neck. Brandons shock was intense and his heart was beating fast. "Stay away Gabriel, or i WILL kill the boy!" Her voice suddenly changed. She was no longer a cute, fragile girl. Her voice was that of one who had lived twenty life times, maybe more. She wasn't Mickayla. She wasn't the girl he had wanted to hold. She was a monster. Jhon stood up swiftly, with Chloe in his arms. She was unconscious, her face was bruised and her arm was bleeding. Brandons panic heightened as he realized what was going on. This wasn't a joke. He needed to fight back. But how could he? He had a sharp, pointy object up against his neck that was being handled by a girl that was probably criminally insane!!! "CHLOE!!!! baby wake up!!" Screamed Brandon, tears were now streaming down his face freely. He couldn't see her go. Not like this! The boy tried to wriggle free from mickayla's grasp. He elbowed her in the gut but she still wouldn't budge. Jhon took four steps toward them and mickayla dug the knife deeper into his neck. It was bleeding now and he knew this....abomination....wasn't playing games. But Brandon didn't care. He needed to get to Chloe. Brandon lunged forward. Then everything happened at once. Jhon screamed out. Chloe finally came to her senses and woke up, woke up just in time to see Mickayla plunge the glowing knife into brandons neck. To see Brandon look down and see the blood gushing from him. To see him look up and mouth those wonderful three little words to Chloe. Those three little words that every girl would kill to hear. I Love You. ONE MORE UPDATE!!!! or should I end it here? I don't want it to drag on:/ maybe just an epilogue? Tell me what you think