A Fallen Angel. A Deceived Snob.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by MickyMcLovin, Jul 1, 2011.

  1. I will!! Pinkie swear!!! But in the morning ok?

    It's 10:59 pm

    I'm sleepy


  2. 
  3. Grrrrrrrrrr fine then
  4. Em wants more story
    Moooore. Story
    Em luvs mickys story 
  5. ~LUKES POV~
    (the next day of school)

    "Luke!!!" shouted my giggly, smiling girl, Elena. She ran towards me and threw her arms around my neck.
    "Hey princess! It's so good to see you again!! So watchya up to?" I asked suspiciously. She normally wasn't this big into PDA.
    She giggled and kissed me' lightly. Ok there really is something going on...what does she want?
    "well Brandon wanted to talk to you actually. I know you two hate conversing in public. But it's important." she said with a sigh. Ugh! What does my brother want now?? I thought as I walked to the staircase that Elena told me' he was waiting.
    "what do you want brother?" I said, huffy and puffy. Brandon looked paranoid. Like he was trying to hide...what's going on with this guy?
    "Luke somethings wrong. Chloe wasn't here today. I called her house and her mom said she never came home last night. Her car is in the drive way, but she's no where to be found. Today I feel like somones watching me, I keep hearing things." Brandon said all these things with a twitch in his eye. He looked like he was going crazy. I started to worry.
    "Brandon I'm sure she's fine. You need to cool down and take a chill pill. Get to class now." i said with disgust as I walked away.
    "Luke listen to me!!!" Brandon screamed. But I just kept walking. I should have listened.


    "uhhh where am I?" Chloe woke with a start, in a small room, tied to a chair. The whole place was barren and grey, with one fluorescent light bulb hanging over her head. She felt like she was in a scene from the movie saw.
    "Hello?!? Where the hell am I?! What happened last night...?" she screamed. Chloe couldn't remember anything. Just seeing Jhon in her driveway....her surprise at seeing him walk up to her with that cloth in his Han- OH MY GOD JHON DRUGGED ME!!!! she thought.
    "Dumas what do you think your doin?! Why are you doing this?!?!" she screamed and yelled. Tears were streaming down her face and she couldn't move.
    After about 10 minutes of crying, Jhon walked into the room. He looked scared. And when he pulled up a chair and sat in front of Chloe, bending closer to her, he whispered.
    "Hope. I'm sorry I had to do this. I want to untie you and take you into the other room. Make you more comfortable. But you have to promise you won't try to escape. I need you."
    His voice was sincere and his eyes were pleading, but Chloe wasn't giving up that fast.
    "why did you do this Dumas?!? You know this is illegal? I can sue you!!!" she spat in his face.
    "I know that perfectly fine. But Mickayla has to come save you. I need to get Mickayla. She's not who she says she is. She's a bad person."

    With that Chloe Sat and listened to Jhons tale of betrayal and power. How Manakel came to be known as Mickayla.
  6. This one isn't the best:/ but it gets better
  7. 
  8. Yup not the best but still the exciment still pumping up 
  9. thanks Kuching lmao
  10. Great story. This is my favorite. Very creative.
  11. Grrrrrrrr oh god just carry on Micky I need to read moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    This story is fascinating

    *evil laugh*

    I love keeping my readers in suspense!!!!

    Pure evil!!!

  13. grr update or else 
  14. Okokokokokokokokokok I'll go work on it now lol
  15. School carried on like any normal day for Jean Whethers, a student at both Chloe's and Mickayla's highchool. She went to class, turned in her homework, got yelled at by teachers and went on wishing that she was a prettier girl like Mickayla, or better yet Chloe, the girl who seemed to have gone M.I.A. Although Mickayla was pretty, Jean liked Chloe's personality best. So strong-willed and ready to take action. But I won't drone on about that.
    So Jean's day was pretty normal. Until, on her way to lunch, she spotted Brandon Rozzi, Chloe's one true love, behind the stairs, crying and pulling his hair out. He was screaming to go away. Was he talking to her? How would he know that she's there, for his back was turned towards her. While she tried to figure out this puzzle, Mickayla came by. All of her was smiley and glowing.
    She walked up to Brandon and put a hand on his back. He immediately took her in his arms and held her there as if the world was ending. So transfixed in his embrace was he, that he didn't notice the little syringe being stuck in his arms by the all too perfect Mickayla. So Intent on never letting the hug go, that he didn't say anything when he began to feel woozy. And when he dropped to the ground? Well he never touched the ground. Mickayla picked the boy up, who was easily twice her size, and slung him over her shoulder, leaving the school thru the back entrance.
    Jean Whethers didn't know what to think. She was so struck with shock. So she did what any respectable teenager would have done. She left. Pretended as if she had never seen that little encounter. And if you were to ask her 10 years into the future about that encounter, she would go pale as a ghost and say she has no idea what your talking about. Although deep down, the whole thing scared the crap outta her.

    I know this is short but no worries guysthe pieces will fall together soon...,maybe:)
  16. WTF is this im not in it!!!
  17. Patience young padawan!