A day in the life of Lemongrab.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -lol-, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. I am so fortunate my childhood did not consist of foolery. I mean that the cartoons i watched were not completely stupid, had good story line, and life lessons. Today, kids have horrible cartoons. Like that show mentioned on this thread...
  2. What is the point of this thread?
  3. Adventure Time FTW
  4. Please stop with all the stupid forum posts, I love adventure time, but you're beginning to make me hate it >:c
  5. Your childhood did not consist of foolery? I feel bad for you as fooling around and being a little stupid were the best days of my life.
  6. ^ let's not forget playing in the sandbox gooood times 
  7. The second sentence explains what I meant by my first statement. Of course there was foolery involved...I was referring to the quality of children shows. Now, in my personal opinion, it's mostly garbage. It is most preferable for a child to do something stupid and learn than to sit and watch stupid characters doing so...why? Many reasons. One being exercise and another is learning what works through their own methods.
  8. Lemongrab is Kelon...
  9. ⇧I wouldn't be surprised
  10. And almost banned