It is not a: German Shepherd Pomeranian Yorkshire Terrier Chihuahua Pembroke Welsh Corgi Poodle Russell Terrier Siberian Husky Also, sorry! Purebred is the only hint I'm giving, at least for now.
No fair. The people who get their 1st guess now have a better idea of what it could be cause of the extra hint
Okay, fine. Then I'll allow everyone to get another guess after I give the next hint. So it'll reset.
When I was in school and interning for this funeral home in my area, we caught a teenager trying to steal bottles of paraformaldehyde during his grandfather’s viewing. Great Dane?
alaskan malmute ( idk how to spell dat one ) ? i hope lmao but someone broke into my car and had my middle compartment open and my wallet was in there ( yes i leave it in there ) & my cards were scattered & i was so broke at the time they didnt take anything lmfaoo
It is not a: German Shepherd Pomeranian Yorkshire Terrier Chihuahua Pembroke Welsh Corgi Poodle Russell Terrier Siberian Husky Great Dane Shih Tzu Hints available: The dog is a purebred. The breed's name begins with a vowel. *New!* Guesses are now reset.
It is not a[n]: German Shepherd Pomeranian Yorkshire Terrier Chihuahua Pembroke Welsh Corgi Poodle Russell Terrier Siberian Husky Great Dane Shih Tzu English Bulldog American Eskimo Akita Hints available: The dog is a purebred. The breed's name begins with a vowel.
It is not a[n]: German Shepherd Pomeranian Yorkshire Terrier Chihuahua Pembroke Welsh Corgi Poodle Russell Terrier Siberian Husky Great Dane Shih Tzu English Bulldog American Eskimo Akita Australian Shepherd Hints available: The dog is a purebred. The breed's name begins with a vowel.