A better contest

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Frog, Mar 30, 2019.

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  1. Where’s the face tho it’s the cutest feature
  2. Eh you don't need a face.
  3. I need a face!
  4. Do you? 
  5. Yes very important :(
  6. Nah

    You can be slendy. :3
  7. Slender Mew
  8. I am already slendy rip
  9. Is that what I've been hearing creeping around my woods at night? ?
  10. Maybe it is ?
  11. Damn. Now I gotta leave food for you ?
  12. Can I draw your face
  13. just use post malone as a reference tbh
  14. Is there a deadline
  15. omg i just realized how cute that pokemon is i wish i caught dat instead of the less cute mewtwo on pokecord rip )’:
  16. Plz do I am starved
  17. Digital drawings not accepted??
  18. How can you eat without a face? 
  19. Leonardo Da-what?
  20. Gimme prize (/◕ヮ◕)/

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