a -BAD- Guide to Cereal

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. Did I do good??????

  2. Some people sprinkle sugar on their special K. Not me, I sprinkle Coke?
  3. Enlarged photo for cheerio detail goodness....
  4. ^fucking horrible. Where's the coke?
  5. You spelled cereal wrong... 
  6. Danny  That's perfect ?
  7. Omg :lol: puppy on the first page
    K will be our always :lol:
  8. Hey... Cheerios Suck. 
    Coco Puffs for the WIN! :D
  9. Bruh....
    Cheerios are love

    Cheerios are life ?
  10. Cheerios is disgusting and tasteless ?.

    Lol you guys eat so early ?.
    It's like 11 am and I'm eating breakfast 
  11. 4am breakfast FTW 
  12. You pour milk LAST? Ew. Why would you do that to yourself?
  13. Cheerios have no taste
  14. why would you poor it first?
  15. Cheerios are amazing.? They taste the best dry.
  16. Because that's just how you're supposed to pour it. I only eat cereal with milk like twice a year or something, though, so I haven't exactly perfected my method.