
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Smoke_Weed_Everyday, Oct 1, 2013.

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  1. She's already milking you. It couldn't be any worse
  2. I love how he just pulls random numbers out of his ass.

    I'm not waiting for you to LCBC. ? like I said, I'm just gonna do what I do.

    I like when you upgrade. You pay better ?
  3. If op bc's, she'll make more  do it!
  4. awesome thread!
  5. OP runs his mouth then cries an awful lot when karma, or a gnome, kicks his ass.
  6. So she has declined another challenge? Damn she's on a role today, 2 challenges gone 
  7. I'm not crying at all, if I was crying I wouldn't have challenged her to a 1 vs 1 so actually she's the one crying for declining me sense she knows I would win 
  8. Kyle you wanna 1v1?
  9. You are already in a 1vs1 lol
  10. GTA 5 online comes out in a few hours.
  11. My eyes are set for gnome  sense she does pay 60m on first hit 
  12. You challenge me by telling me to drop stats 

    I'm not denying you your 1v1, obviously we are in the middle of one.

    If anything I'm sparring you the shame of everyone seeing your war plunder vs. mine.  you're welcome.
  13. I don't have shame  if you want to show everyone you would do better, come on then, lets see who does better, i would love to beat you in a 1 vs 1 even stats, it would make my day 
  14. So your not gonna 1v1 me? Thanks for proving everyone's point
  15. GTA 5. Online.
  16. You're in a 1v1 right now.  The only thing she hasn't done is dropped stats. Which is a ridiculous request.
  17. Wallace, I got someone else why would I do anything to you?  If you want to drop stats, get to my level and do a 12 hour war then lets go
  18. I also put in another request, let me lcbc and loser resets, would be simple as that, everyone thinks she would win so lets out that to the test
  19. LCBC while I hit you. ?
  20. I won't drop stats. You wanna act like a man and act all tough then you're sure as shit gonna war like one. If you will only fight someone if they drop stats then you my friend are a... Wait for it.... Pansy
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