... =_=

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *_Rawr_ (01), Nov 9, 2011.

  1. I git 46.  resulting in a D, thanks to me idiotic non-sense materialistic teacher.

    Anyways P.E. Haven't had dodgeball season yet so I'm failing drastically.

    English? I'm acing it. It's the homework that's driving me nuts. Dayum.

    I'm so unorginized that the papers stuck in it can re-create Konan. 
  2. Sweeheart.

    I didn't WRITE NAÏVE.

  3. OMG "D" WTF I took mostly everything "A" some "B"(failure) ._.
  4. Obviously. My Science teach's a *****.

    And to put it nicely...

    I THINK I'LL GET A 70/100!!!  ON MY MANDARIN BIG TEST!!!  OMG!!! 

    Finally. Extra 500MOP for me allowance. 
  5. Why dnt u leave pimd for a bit to study or just play it a little less
  6. I fail my Maths.


    Because of my teacher that is seriously boring that makes me sleep
  7. Rani, I took the damned test already.

    Getting y report card next Friday. Teachers already fucked it up.

    In science, the most I can get is C.

    I always get around 70-80 for Science. 

    I'm acing English, and I'm doing so-so for Math.

    My Mandarin's not bad.

    But I got to say. Not even Chuck Norris can beat me in sleeping.

    My best subject's recess.
  9.  You've got recess?

    Dang...in 6th grade and up, there's no recess! ;n;
  10. Goldia I'm failing to...
  11. Lmao Gakupo!  I never thought anyone else would say this...
  12. Dammit we already no!youv already told us.also what was the point of this thread?wall me coz I cnt be bothered checking forums
  13. Also u could revise for other tests?=Djust tryin to be helpful