umm why is there 2 "youve been chicken rolled" animations? this thread was supposed to be for ~(^_^)~ these types of animations
\(^o^)/ m(_ _)m (o^.^o) (PIKACHUUUUU) !(◎_◎ ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ (This one reminds me of Kirby) m(._.)m (>^#^<) (eating a WAFFLE)
(>^ -^)>• this be my cookie <(^-^)>• <(*_*<) and it's all mine (>^ -^)>• (^• ^<) …... (>* -*)>• #<(^• ^<) "waffle?" (>^#^<) (>^•^<) trade!!!!
Lol that waffle/cookie one is so cute! Sorry guys I couldn't resist bumping ♥ . .))( ♫ .(ړײ) ♫. ♥ .«▓» ♥. ♫ ..╝╚.. ♫