9/11/01 Where were you?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Bizkut, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. I was in 1st grade when my teacher randomly started putting the news during class just before the towers collapsed.

    For those who had lost their lives I hope you rest in peace 
  2. As if you did a shoutout to Justin, bit disrespectful
  3. I believe I was in school but I do not remember the exact class but I was so young I didn't realize the impact of it at the time
  4. 7
    Mrs.crawfords 1st grade class
    Watching bill nye (i think)
  5. I was living in North Carolina on an army base. I was in first grade and all we knew was we were getting out early and our parents were picking us up. By the time my dad came and got me their were already soldiers in full gear with loaded m16s on every corner and ever block. The whole base went on lockdown. Nobody could get on or off. It was terrifying.
  6. Bruh, in mrs.inglesbee kindergarten class...prolly taking a nap.
  7. I was 7 years old in the 2nd grade. And I woke up to the news... I remember in school that day we just watched the news and talked... I also remember how the U.S came together.
  8. I was at work listening to the radio I was 21. I just remember being shocked
  9. Just finished my morning English class. Walked back to dorm room and wandered why CNN was on every TV. Watches CNN for the next couple hours. I was 20 and in college.
  10. I was walking down the Naval Hospital halls in Portsmouth, VA..I was a young 18 year old Hospital Corpsman...I was going out to get my next patient to bring them back and caught a glimpse of the television..everything just stood still..I knew we were going to war..we were released to go pack our sea bags and ships were going to be deployed to NYC..scary day..feels like it was just yesterday..Never Forget