It was my 16th birthday. I was getting ready for school (curling my hair), and my mom was downstairs watching The Today Show when the first plane hit. I came downstairs to start watching the news. We were so confused, was it somehow an accident? I was in Geometry when the second plane hit. That's when we started figuring out this was no accident. We spent the rest of the school day watching the news. I felt kind of awkward because my friends had went all out that year and bought me a lot of balloons, and people would ask if it's my birthday, and then say, "oh that sucks!". It was eerie not having any planes in the sky, and everyone was in this state of confusion and shock. My family ate at McDonalds that night, and there were cars wrapped around the building, so I guess we're not the only ones who stress eat. It was difficult to watch the videos, I would cry when I saw it. I had just been to New York the previous summer, and visited the World Trade Center. Everyone in NY had been so nice, but I especially remember our elevator attendant at the WTC. He made me laugh so hard. I wonder if he was one of the survivors.
I was in 1st grade living in New Jersey in my old town and I'm in class sitting quietly. Hearing kids getting called down to the office for early dismissal. Teacher stopped talking and sat in her chair telling everyone to stay quiet. I was completely oblivious to everything. Classes were cut short and everyone was sent home early. Where I lived, there was a big hill that you needed to climb in order to get to the apartments. I get off the bus and see my dad, who never comes home at 11 or 12 at noon because of work, at the top of the hill with this scared look on his face staring out in the distance. I ran to him and he hugged me then I turned around to see the sky in the distance clouded with smoke. Then I knew that something terrible had happened... 13 years later and that entire moment is still so fresh in my mind. RIP to all the lives lost on this day 13 years ago.
At home sleeping off a hangover but when i seen it on tv and i quickly forgot i was even drunk REST IN PEACE. 9-11 VICTIMS YOU ARE ALL TRUELY MISSED
I was 13 and didn't have school that day. I remember waking up to my mom freaking out trying to call my sister in NY. My sister was a few blocks away when it all happened. I watched the news all day that day.
It was maybe 2-3am and I was in bed in my parents room. I was 12 then and I woke up because my parents, uncle and aunt were in the same room watching the tv. They were gasping and cursed as the plane hit the tower. ? I didn't understand the entire thing thoroughly until I was older. When I saw the footage again as a teenager I just felt awful.
Oh god i cant remember how old i was when that happend but i remember i couldnt take my eyes off the t.v sat in the living room with my siblings and parents it was a shock to see it all happen so suddenly
On 9/6/01, I had celebrated my 10th birthday, was in my 5th grade in my new school.. I'm not an American but got lots of respect for everyone in there n still sad for the thing that happened on 9/11.. my condolences to every new yorker victims n their families n I hope they all r happily resting in peace this day..
In my final year at college, saw on the news as I got ready for class the second tower get hit so I didn't go to school. You can see the NYC skyline from my backyard so every time I looked I could see smoke rising for literally weeks after they fell. That day everything changed.
I don't even remember watching it when it happened. I was in fifth grade though..I do remember that it was all over the news and my parents were glued to the TV. Like many others here, it was only until I got older that I understood what had happened. What I remember clearly was all the bullying, pushing me around, hitting me, kicking me, throwing things at me, calling me horrible names for the rest of the year and well into 6th grade. I'm muslim so you can see where that all came from..but I live in Ontario, Canada and was just a child. It was a really hurtful time, for ALL of the victims of 9/11. To those who the world have lost because of the actions of stupidity and ignorance, may you rest in peace.
i was in 9th grade i was 14. was at school when first plane hit they turned all tvs on was watching when 2cd plane hit and we realized it was no accident. I remember it pissed me off and felt bad. Never seen anything like that before we still remember!
I was at work and I remember thinking it was only a matter of time before something like this happened, as sad and as dreadful as it is, I wasn't the least bit surprised by it. Rest in peace not only all those in America who died that day but all the hundreds of thousands who have died in other countries before that day and those who still continue to die to this day and beyond.
I was watching in school and was 11 n was worrying about my uncle who was visit NYC on his work n was worried till he called us that night...
I was 4 I wasn't even aware when 9/11 happened I still lived Grenada ? It just wasn't relevant to me. It only impacted me when I read a book about it and how it affected this young that I was like "whoa, so this is 9/11" and ever since those numbers actually mean something to me. A bit lame, I know, but that's my story.
I was sitting in my mom livingroom watching tv in horror. As I watched the 2nd plane hit the towers. In tears I asked my mom why would someone do that she had no answer. So I got ready went to work at Walmart. I couldnt walk by a tv in electronics without stopping to see how it was going. Then I heard a scream cause I worked in layaway right behind electronic department. It was an employee and 2customers. I watch then tv as the first tower fell holding Tommy's hand every employee and customer in the store I think at that moment were at the TVs. Standing there in disbelief of what had just happen then the two tower fell..... in tears most employees and customers started hugging each other. As people started to walk away the store fell silent. For the rest of the day not many spoke a word most were in tears. I WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER FORGET THAT DAY. GOD BLESS THOSE WE LOST IN THE TRAGIC EVENT. MAY GOD SO EVER BE WITH EACH OF THEIR FAMILIES, FRIENDS, AND THOSE WHOM HAD KNOWN THEM.