6th Anniversary Celebration

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 22, 2016.

  1. Ooo is the difference is our names are purple instead of yellow?
  2. Can we keep the anniversary care pack if we dont use it and do we continue to get dns until the 26th???
  3. Sucks not having carepacks.. Thanks 
  4. 1. It's being given to everyone! Care Packs are generally reserved for higher reward tiers.
    2. It must be used before January 3rd.
    3. It's purple, duh
  5. Yay more free care packs?
  6. Thanks For Enlightening Us.

    Happy Birthday PIMD 
  7. You need to use the Care Pack Notice by January 3rd. And everyone will get will get 2 DNS if they log in anytime between now and the end of this weekend.
  8. Gift bombs? :c
  9. Hmmm..6th anniversary with 6dns and 6x payout cp would have been super cool..cats would drop like crazy...but thx
  11. 1. Carepacks also dropped from money boxes.
    2. Giving them a time limit makes it special? :?
    3. Of course the color. Duh!
  12. Ohh can't wait for my 6 year award now 
  13. Wow 6 years of happiness
  14. ATA it's not going to hurt to let it stack with normal cp. you let chests stack in Kaw. Then you put a expiration date on it lol. Give us something that we can benefit from instead of giving us updates that line your pockets. Better servers that don't lag, ads are broken and only work seldom. You want feedback maybe you should improve the game instead of putting all your eggs in one basket(kaw) no gift bombs this year either really a disappointment. Let's see some improvements we are asking for. Merry Christmas ATA
  15. That's not so special. I think the carepack I can use anytime pass Jan 3rd ia special.
  16. Doesn't work

    I've updated restarted my phone and the app and my care pack notice still doesn't work!!!
  17. Ohhhhhh 6 years yippee yay yeh
    Let's think why we should be excited
    Errrrrrrrr No I'd rather not
    You've made hunts boring by doing stories
    You've taken away party's
    You've taken away drops
    You've taken far to much and what do we get ?
    Try giving the players what they want
    More jobs
    Bring back the fun
    Award for RS Jesus you give crapy awards for everything else
    Awards for Pro party's
    Rare drops - when was the last time you introduced a rare drop ??
    Stop limiting drops from party's what's the point ?

    Wake up ATA