LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 5-Day Giveaway AKA a secret countdown

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Sep 6, 2019.

  1. But what is the inflation rate where y'all at tho? A grand is nearly half my monthly income and it would most definitely kill me to spend that much on games 🤔 even the occasional 80 bucks hurt 👀
  2. I'm 21, black haired whatever that's called, have a grand that my parents didn't earn for me because I've been working since I was a wee lad. $80 ain't shit to the business. People drop $0 on this game and complain less than you. You have a right to complain sure, but don't expect to get godtier items when you pay common loot price. It's like buying Netflix 1-screen subscription plan and complain that Netflix doesn't cater to your entertainment needs.

    Also, complaining that there aren't enough blonde avatars after getting plenty of blonde avatars, in conjunction with the Netflix analogy, is like getting mad when they stop making Netflix Originals to buy licenses to stream other shows for other viewers.
  3. Personally I think you have every right to be annoyed because the bug is bothering your gameplay and is mildly annoyed and I would support you were it not for the fact that your attitude is stank as hell. You need to be mature enough to understand that you might be wrong if you want a decent debate. You just sound petty and ignorant. The amount of money you put into the game is your business. They glitch. They bug. It happens. If it really is a bother for you then you should find a game with developers who work round the clock to ensure the game is seamless and pump your parents credit card info to them instead since they'd be giving you your money's worth.
  4. Yeah that's some crackheadery. I should start offering lapdances or summ to these people they can pay my college bills for me by bit bc my ass is broke broqué. That's a lotta money in my currency.
  5. Hope so
  6. wya then
  7. Right? Like heck I gotta eat lol
    Daily necessities are getting pricey and they all be complaining about paying for a game
  8. Coming soon I'm Workin the glutes first
  9. You love this game so much yet suggest that paying costumers should gtfo basically, instead of suggesting ATA hires a better server provider. FIY I earn my money. And not by lap dancing. Talk about stank attitude.
  10. Ayeeee bro I'm done with you I don't speak nor do I understand stupid and you're gonna rap circles around me if I keep this going. Have yourself a good day.
  11. I'm pretty sure the next hunt would be interesting. I already decided to go inactive/hiatus but i think I'll put that on hold for now. Haha. Whoever thought of giving gifts everyday and hyping the next hunt by surprises is a genius.
  13. Okay, but while everyone is complaining about nonsense, would it be possible for an item to be purchased with EC that either makes it so you only win one gender over the other with avatars? Like opening boxes it only gives you the gender of your choice if you have the coexisting item? Or even just to make it a higher chance percentage wise you drop the gender of your choice? I have too many male Avis I have no use because I prefer the female avatars. Lmao.
    iKittiana likes this.
  14. No support.
  15. Hunt boxes drop avis randomly. I’m sorry but if you keep opening you’ll eventually get the female (if you really want it, ofc)

    But for other avis like from bags, shards you can decide the gender you want with the key activators.
    Voseph likes this.
  16. you cant have everything you want o_O
  17. Why has this board become so negative and toxic??😭
  18. Bumping for ya'll

  19. Also this

    iSeriouslyLoveYou and Voseph like this.