4th of July Dates!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Jul 4, 2018.

  1. Is it rude to say i hope we don't get another 4th of July hunt
  2. Canadian Independence Day. SUPPORT.
  3. I just think the misc is mehh. I like cute misc
  4. R they forcing us to have an RS! 

    Go Canada All the Way!
  5. ️️️
  6. CANADA ?? ??
  7. Hello last year’s post ? Don’t confuse the nooblishes
  8. Tomorrow is not July 5th. What. Is this a mistake?
  9. O okay. Jeebus
  10. Damn bruh 😂 I have to agree tho even tho im american the president and others are making america trash
  11. The furniture is awful. The Avis are amateur. And the Misc. Is OK but couldve been better. Tbh even tho I wasnt here last year I like those avis better
    QueenPersephone likes this.
  12. Are the images in the post broken for anyone else? I know I could see them before the update.
    Bambi_ likes this.
  13. I can only see the gifs but not the images so it must have something to do with the update
    Providence likes this.
  14. Not all of us Americans approve of our current government. I wake up everyday disgusted. The America I know is even more broken.
    BidiBidiBomBom likes this.
  15. I'm just gonna pretend I can totally see the images on the post.......

    "Ah yes! Marvelous! What a cute image! More money for me and my RS! Trully splendid!!"
    Bambi_ likes this.
  16. I was so cool
  17. Can u guys not give me an heart attack ffs? stop reviving old threads