That's a man. Your adam's apple is showing. Also, way to much makup on your cheeks. No amount of war paint is gonna cover up that masculine jaw line. #YAFI
I feel slow... Ok, I'm a liar, I been abusing my hand, but don't tell nobody ok... Wait, do I know you?
I heard they have caregivers for slow people :lol: Oh please tell me more, I say sarcastically I'm nonexistent in the PIMD world
Oh YOU'RE G0MD? I rem u were in my club and I was abt to wall u asking why u left during a party, but I found I was blocked. Later, I attempted to respond to either a trade or club wall post u asked for in wc but my blocked status remained...☹
Why are females so mean? It's not my fault I'm slow. Well, kinda, but kinda not. You lowkey curious though. I see it through da screen. Que?
I'm actually very sweet and kind some times And no, curiosity killed the cat kid :lol: No, you dont know me. No one does except my club. I've changed my name a few times tho from iMelanie, Klonopin, and now Ubiquity.
I kill cats. And give out wheel chairs Where is there a kid? I ain't no kid, I kid around, but I kid you not about the fact that I'm not a kid