4NIC8's Roasting Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 4NIC8, Apr 24, 2018.

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  1. You're in my club?? Who are u, tell me your secret.
  2. Check club chat?
  3. This post sucks.
  4. yes jaco ill give you the D
  5. @nemo , gomd is his main and its in your club
  6. GOMD is just a bigger alt as I've stated countless times. Alli can confirm that it isn't my main account. Let's not be idiots now
  7. No.
  8. Jaco said he's only in my club for my booty, wtf ☹️
  9. Hey, hey, hey, I'm there for the cats too. You guys keep killing the eat bar, before I get a chance to ul tho
  10. Seeing as no selfies are coming forth from the OP, and Nemo has betrayed the strike against him on this thread, I'm just gonna provide a throwback roast.
    Jaco this is your fault. Front up.
  11. I didn't post or permit you to roast me, you potato.
  12. Jaco got butthurt already
  13. Thats what she said
  14. I was expecting a bbq, disappointed once again
  15. NO WAY I rate that
  16. You don’t look old enough to be on This game
  17. No one has made me cry yet, ugh.
  18. Is your tongue just that pale or is that bubble gum over it
  19. Good question
  20. It's just that color, lol.
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