Every new year we usual do things like hanging freshly picked pineapples and red envelopes (with coins in it) to every door we have in our house. Also when the clock strikes 12:00am we start rolling oranges and tossing coins from the main door to every corner of the house. Also there's someone in charge in cooking popcorns ?. Yeah instead of fireworks we pop popcorns. It's more safer and edible Yeah we're still doing it until now ?
On New Years I usually watch Pittbulls New Years ball drop/concert on tv and joke about how sweaty that little man is ? this year I didn’t travel down south like usual so idk if they air it up here
Pretty. I like his colouring. I got my cat for free from my fiance’s brother but I cherish her just as much. We know who her mother and great aunt and grandmother is.
I went to Niagara Falls w my fiancé (then bf) spent a grand there for accommodations and at the casino, gave him a hundred to do as he pleased and went to the spinning tower and had a fancy meal with him. The most luxurious gift I gave was 2 mink-looking wraps to my mom and my mother-in-law this year. It cost a couple hundred but was on sale for under a hundred each and looked like it’s a million bucks.
Mostly..my new year is cut cake drink coffee, say happy New year to everyone.. Watch some show on TV.. And then go to sleep. Lol I follow this every year.. This year to might be the same..lol only with my friends it's party time.. Else at home..I strictly follow this schedule
Sit on a couch...watch how everyone gets drunk. Probably eat grapes ? (12!of them)...say happy new year and then sleep. ?
We just celebrate with friends and family. We all go out on the streets and shoot fireworks. Its fun. It’s kinda basic but we all like it.
My New Years tradition is going to my boyfriend parents house for their party, and spending the night with my boyfriend. They aren’t holding the party this year though so my boyfriend and our moms and I are gonna hang out and play board games.
I dont get out much with my kids and all so we have a little party just the 3 of us little cakes and a dance party when midnight strikes best new years kisses ever they are what keep me going all year plus when i go out i end up baby sitting drunk ass hats and designated driving id rather baby sit actual kids at least they are fun
Woop woop, we're so close to 2019 ya'll! ? today is a new day, and with a new day, is a new question! ☃ today's rewards ? ☃ ❀ yay stat items ❀ ❀ random furniture ❀ ❀ gift to signify how much you suck ❀ my mam has been shopping like mad. her haggling skills are almost embarassing. ☃ question of the day ☃ on December 30, 2018 QoTD: What was the best and worst thing to happen to you this year? Answer Genre: Anything goes. New Rule: I'll only be accepting unique answers! I'll tell you if your answer is not unique! ☃ special thanks for donations ☃ ellliii Schwanz Milkshakie I've decided that I'm going to be handing out the wonderful donations at the end of the giveaway. When the event is over, I will be generating different numbers based on the number of replies, and I'll match it with the respective post number. Please note that this allows duplicate winners for the donations, but invalid answers would not be included. good luck, wannabe dev, rynn - meep meep new years meep -
Oof uhhh Best thing was probably getting to officially move in together tbh because it’s lead to some of my favorite days Worst thing (just a quick lil trigger warning!) I had a bad blackout and ended up relapsing very badly and was in the hospital for almost two weeks and also had to get two surgeries done, all three of these being throughout the last few months, so overall my general hospital time this year has been the worst /: ):
Best thing to happen to me this year was while in Europe I met the most amazing person who I may even call the love of my life. Worst thing to happen to me this year is I spent a whole month in the hospital fighting a really bad pneumonia but I'm okay now ^~^
Oh hiiiii! I think I’d rather put worst thing first so that the best thing ends my comment on a happy note ? so, it was a largely bad year. The worst thing that happened was probably that my counsellor broke my trust really badly, which coincided with me having an MRI scan where I discovered I have a rare but serious allergy to gadolinium dye. So yup. Nearly died. That wasn’t awesome and definitely qualifies as a low point. On to the good: Best thing that happened this year ? probably that I came off meds for depression, and said “my mental health is the best it’s ever been” to my doctor and MEANT IT. It’s a changeable thing, but that was a pretty great moment. Here’s to more of that being good in 2019!
Uuuh. The worst thing would probably breaking my ankle in January. It took untill summer till i was able to do sports again. So thats pretty fooked up. Best thing for sure is my mom. 3 months ago the doctor told us my mom was cured after 1.5 years of breast cancer and tomorrow will be the last day she’ll have to go to the hospital. It were though times for us, espicially my mom, but she made it out(luckily).
Best thing is I found two kitties at the side of the road, I adopted them. I wanted a cat so much well, I got two instead. ♡. Worse thing right now cause I'm sick and it's almost new year and my birthday too (01-01). I just hope I get better tomorow. 〒_〒
Best thing: this year Christmas Eve - even though there was so much drama surrounding this year’s Christmas, I had such a great time and felt so wonderful that my mum came to my room, hugged me and said that she doesn’t remember when she last saw me this happy (note that I had a massive depression episode in 2k16 and I still haven’t fully recovered). Her genuine smile and happiness, just because I was happy made me realise once more why I love my parents so much. Worst thing: I had a severe allergic reaction to pollens when March started, it lasted for weeks. It impacted my eyesight (broken vessels = a lot of floaters in my eyes now), my trachea, larynx and blood pressure. I legit thought I’m loosing my vision and dying. It took me few months to come to terms with it and to stop crying about my health.
The best thing that happened was I finished renovating and moved into my first ever house so it’s super exciting. Worst thing is that my best friend left for the army so I never get to talk to them anymore
Worst thing - well I'd need an essay to explain this year, but to summarise: - 2 x family memembers arrested - 8 x family members in hospital - my mum had x 2 mental breakdowns (hospitalitised) - both sets of parents split up, and blamed me. - my self harm was found out - i was blackmailed by a girl, whom found out a secret of mine - my bestfriend knowingly started dating my crush And much more. Positively: - I rejoined this game, and made some friends. - Found out I'm an auntie to another 2 babies (makes me auntie of 12) - got my dog back.
Ok so I've missed a few questions ? Let's see most luxurious thing I can think of was go to Japan there's thin Ninja restaurant there and my food alone was around $200 ? the experience before hand was really fun super interactive maze led by our Ninja guide just to get to our table. I had so many new kinds of sushi and I got to try out sake and escargo for like the first time ever. What really made this worth the money is the fact that it wasn't just someone handing out food they actually had shows with some of the dishes and I got to pull a katana out of a giant orange/grapefruit which had dry ice in the bottom and the escargo had a trail of flammable substance that kinda looked like salt but he lit it up and actually cooked the food in front of me and there was another dish it was soup and hot stone used to cook in a bamboo bowl with a lid and the bamboo didn't even get hot yet it was cooking. Sorry that was a long one I just get super excited over that experience. #2 The only New Year tradition we ever had was the Eve dinner where we'd eat cabbage and ham I think bc of the symbolism cabbage is money I forgot what the other stuff was but I'd always grab extra cabbage lol This year might be spent watching fireworks either from our balcony or the roof of base parking garage with my husband since he got New Year's off this year #3 Now that I'm all caught up the best thing to happen to me this year is pretty much my progress made in the fitness area I am proud to say in just 2 months I went down 2 sizes Worst thing really was the family members I've lost and the one's I was super close to losing because I honestly can't think of anything worse than losing loved ones. Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to read a little piece of my life and I hope you have a rocking New Year!