30 Days Of Giveaway Cheers!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rynnethia, Dec 1, 2018.

  1. Our Christmas is always filled with family reunion, we'll go to any one of our cousin's house and celebrate with a feast. But sadly this time we don't have Christmas celebration due to our uncle's death few days ago :( So we are having a feast to all our guests tomorrow ?

    Wishing u all a wonderful Christmas 

    Ahh I was looking forward to the guest question and feel so bad missing it :(

    Have a great time with ur family Rynn?
  2. Our Christmas is usually spent by get-togethers from the moment I wake up on Christmas to time I go to sleep after all festivities 
    It’s like one foot at one home while the next already somewhere else to the next and the very next ??
    I am spending my Christmas slightly different this year with my family friends as my family and we are going around and about, here and there meeting everyone, doing anything anyone wants to including ‘smash bust video games’ with 12 year old twins ???
    But what I’m really looking forward to is the Christmas dinner because that’s when we invite our slightly less privileged neighbours and friends to a grand feast mainly centralised to bring the holiday joy to everyone alike with harmony and love most importantly oneness ❣️❣️
    Here’s wishing everyone and hope you all have a:
    ? ⁣???
    From Gray
  3. For Christmas me and my family usually travel south to get out if the cold and relax. In the morning I tend to sleep in until 10am then I wake up to the sounds of clanging in the kitchen. When I get up my aunt and grandma are making my favorite roast for dinner. I always complain how long it takes to cook and how hungry I am but we open presents to distract me from my hunger haha. By the time the roast is done I eat half of it myself ?

    Also Merry Christmas!! Thank you for doing this thread it was a lot of fun ☺️
  4. My family celebrates Christmas on Christmas Eve these days. My mom works at the airport and usually works Christmas Day. But I love it this way! We drink champagne and have a cheese plate and stuff out to munch on while we finish cooking. We all sit down for dinner and then open all our presents and finish the night of playing a board game. My parents get toasted and become super cute and funny and we play and laugh till midnight. It’s a great time!
  5. During christmas on december 25 my parents and relatives always do christmas parties and almost every year my aunty and uncle give us gift which is cash and clothes, I was always thankful for them not because of the gift or cash they give but the party that make us all cousins reunion and have fun , it waswas always exciting and heartwhelming when it comes on december 25
  6. I had a huge thing typed and then my game crashed and idk if feel like putting in the effort again ;-;
  7. Do it I wanna see
  8. For the past few years, Christmas to my family basically is just us having a simple dinner together. However this year, I really felt the Christmas spirit and decided to do some traditional Christmas things like making a gingerbread house with my family. Low and behold, we managed to make a complete gingerbread house despite our country not selling graham crackers! It was really fun and I think this will be an annual thing for us from now on.

  9. How my family has celebrated Christmas has changed to almost no existent unfortunately and this year I didn't get to see my family due to me being in another country with my husband who serves in the Navy. We did have dinner with some friends while we watched Christmas Vacation and then played some games which made it feel a little better. No Christmas could ever compare to the ones we always had when I was a child when all seemed perfect and our family would have these big gatherings.
  10. Usually just have some fun time with my family...by the way I didn’t answer the last question but this happened like a day ago and it was funny(not to me lolz).
    So my auntie gave me a cookie...she said “don’t let him have it..” (talking about the dogo) and I didn’t even payed attention to what it really was it...turns out it was a doggy treat...I was embarrassed and played it by laughing but I was dead inside 
  11. If you're from down under, happy Boxing Day! Hope you're getting some good deals! If not, lol, hope you had a good Christmas!

    today is a new day, and with a new day, is a new question!

    today's rewards ?
    ❀ yay stat items ❀
    ❀ random furniture ❀
    ❀ gift to signify how much you suck ❀

    Let us countdown to the New Year's!

    question of the day
    on December 26, 2018

    QoTD: What are some words that a person has told you, that has stuck with you?
    Answer Genre: Anything goes.

    New Rule: I'll only be accepting unique answers! I'll tell you if your answer is not unique!

    special thanks for donations

    I've decided that I'm going to be handing out the wonderful donations at the end of the giveaway.

    When the event is over, I will be generating different numbers based on the number of replies, and I'll match it with the respective post number.

    Please note that this allows duplicate winners for the donations, but invalid answers would not be included.

    good luck,

    wannabe dev, rynn

    - 三生三世十里桃花 -
  12.  I thought ur 30 day ended yesterday couldn't reply to you yesterday.. Anyways..people call me Sail...in short..n it is a coincidence then I do sailing. So Sail is going to sail.. Is what I have heard most of the times..
  13. My grandma always told me to believe. Believe and achieve. Anytime I’m feeling down about something I think about those words and my mood brightens.
  14. Nothing anybody said has enlightened me but I wrote a particular poem out of the blue in college.

    The last line of the sonnet says “Follow your heart when you are lost and aflounder. Know you have choices, support from those around you.” This whole poem is significant to me.
  15. "Some people don’t digest me, but my life and my body and my light isn’t here to make those people feel comfortable.

    It’s here for me to shine."

    / Emilia Fart, who is a Youtuber. This whole speech of hers stuck with me, but this part here really hit home.
  16. My boyfriend made me say this:

    “I promise I remember to never think less about myself.”

    I’m pretty confident in real life (I think ). But, when it comes to him, all the confidence I had goes out of the window. So.. when he made me say this, I feel really thankful because someone as amazing as him, sees me (yes, me :O) as an equal. >//<
  17. "You should never discriminate someone because we are in the same level and god creates us to be a good influenced to each other not to be a bad one and If they fight you back don't ever do the same thing just let them bullied you god always watch us and fighting back is not a good thing you know what's right and what's wrong thats why you are studying to have a good attitude".
    I always remember that since I was in grade 6 my teacher told us that
  18. My (late)Mom said:
    Lucas my son, in life you'd meet all kinds of shells; shells because there will be hidden in them truth that nobody else can see so never kick those shells or cry if they hurt your feet while in the way acknowledge the pain and grow with each shell, each shell will become your armour but never let that armour touch your bones otherwise you'll turn stone which will be far worse than those shells
    ~I followed this all my life and this helped me meet my soulmate(the best part of my life)
  19. She’s really wise.
  20. “If it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down”