30 Days Of Giveaway Cheers!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rynnethia, Dec 1, 2018.

  1. ???
  2. I'm eagerly waiting for the guest question though :)
  3. Good morning Rynn..lol I m back as I told you early in the morning. No questions today? Take care have a great day.
  4. ☹️ i realized my mistake in day cut off. It'll now be on, 12AM PST, I think. I'm not sure what PIMD time is rn.
  5. I’m reading the back of shampoo bottle ever since i was a child ? i dont even understand other things listed in there ?
  6. If I don’t have my phone with me: wish I had my phone and read all the information on tampon packaging within arms reach, and then get bored. If I have my phone I just play a game or something, sometimes PIMD, sometimes crosshairs road
  7. Read read and more read only time i disconnect from my phone is when im going potty then its a real book or a e book if im desperate
  8. Sorry for the wait folks, but it's now 12AM PST. Happy Christmas Eve all!

    today is a new day, and with a new day, is a new question!

    today's rewards ?
    ❀ yay stat items ❀
    ❀ random furniture ❀
    ❀ gift to signify how much you suck ❀

    Please read the announcement below ty!

    question of the day
    on December 24, 2018

    QoTD: Are there any funny stories your family tells about you that you really wish they wouldn’t?
    Answer Genre: Anything goes.

    New Rule: I'll only be accepting unique answers! I'll tell you if your answer is not unique!

    special thanks for donations

    I've decided that I'm going to be handing out the wonderful donations at the end of the giveaway.

    When the event is over, I will be generating different numbers based on the number of replies, and I'll match it with the respective post number.

    Please note that this allows duplicate winners for the donations, but invalid answers would not be included.


    Today is Christmas Eve! We will be joined by a super special judge who has decided the question you read up there, and choose their favourite answer! The winner will receive a super special gift!

    Please note that I'll still be handing out gifts on my own, so everyone still wins something!

    So, to win the super special gift, make sure to write a great answer!

    good luck,

    wannabe dev, rynn

    - i had to wait for this rip. -
  9. Finally am the first person to post on ur thread..lol..yes there is one..when my mom dressed me up like a girl..with all the makeup I was some 6-7years I guess...lol Everytime I just hide somewhere when that specific story starts unfolding.
  10. Lol. When i was like 4-5 early in the mronibg me and my sister woke up and we saw the baby powder. So we started putting it all over each other untill my mom woke up. She walked in our room and just saw the girls white as hell from the powder. Its kinda embarrassing tbh? she must’ve had a though time cleaning both of us i can imagine
  11. Yeah, it's when I watch something interesting and my mouth keeps hanging there open and I don't even notice it. It's so embarassing when they joke around about it. I hope that habit is gone now cause I don't notice it.
  12. There's always this one story I'm embarrassed of: I was 7 years old and my cousins and I were jumping over a wide canal. I miscalculated, and fell in the (thankfully dried out) canal - and broke a water pipe. So not only was I dirty, but also wet. My parents were mad back then but now they think of it as a "memory of youth"
  13. hai i've come to bumpity bump bump
  14. My family loves to tell one story in particular that I find one of my most embarrassing moments. When I was around 14-15 years old (so I shouldn’t have been this dumb I swear) I was running in the yard with the dog and wanted to go inside so I ran up on our porch and swung the door open. Stupid little me was going so fast I couldn’t stop and I swung the door right into my face and ran flat into the side of it. I had to go to the hospital and get 5 stitches on my chin because my butt couldn’t stop running in time ?
  15. Well one story I will always remember that I wish my mom wouldn't tell is that when I was younger we were at a store and one of the cashiers told us that with my eyes she should be careful, because apparently there would be girls all around me (lololol if only that were true, jkjk I have a fantastic girlfriend) and than stated that she (my mom) would have to chase them away with a baseball bat
  16. I honestly don’t find the stories my family tells about me embarrassing. I usually laugh right along with them and enjoy hearing them as well. Even tho in the moment they may have been embarrassing. I mean I’m 27, so those stories are fun to hear! I like reminiscing about my childhood.
  17. Hi All! I’m LustOverLove also known as Lulu! I am the special guest judge for the day! I am loving the funny stories I’m reading so far.

    I am super excited to be giving out some special rewards!

    1st- A mod Crate!!!
    2nd- Unicorn nebula Black Friday bed
    3rd- A misc item from my showcase of my choosing

    Everyone else who submitted will get something random just for participation!

    Tell your friends! I want to read some really funny submissions!
    (I also apologize for my lack of coding I am a slacker and really don’t know what I’m doing)

    *Edit- I will be choosing winners and will post them on this thread around 9pm pst tonight!
  18. When i was super little (around 2) i was in a playpen with my nephew(a little less than a year younger than me) and i would take my feet and put them through the pen to reach objects on the outside ... That i would then (supposedly) use to beat my nephew up with. Apparently i wasnt a nice baby. But my family loves telling this story because they love talking about my "monkey feet"
  19. Wait. Will you judge over the answers just submitted. About the question about the embarrassing stories or about the upcoming question???
  20. Judging the funny question responses :)