The most vivid dream I’ve had was pretty recent. Maybe early summer or late spring.. I felt like I was waking up, but couldn’t move. I was pinned. It felt “real”, no other way to say it. There was an “invisible force” laying on top of me- it felt like a heavy weight on my chest keeping me pinned to the bed. I can’t remember EVERYTHING it said.. but it said that it had always been following me, for years.. Now, this happened on a Sunday morning, before I was waking up for church... I was crying real tears, but couldn’t fully speak or move. Like I said I was pinned. I remembered asking what its name was, and it told me, i asked if he was a friend of Jesus and it said no. I told it to leave me alone and before it left it told me it would be back again. I was finally able to move.. and was scared s#!t less.. I hurried and got ready and went to church. My pastor and a few others prayed with and on me in private.. then I called a catholic priest that evening about demons.. I was shook after I discovered the name the demon gave me was a real demon name the catholic priest asked me if I believed in ghosts and I told him yes. He was taken aback and wanted to know why I did. I explained a situation from my teenage hood and he said - people who’ve encountered ghosts, means there’s a door that’s been opened at one point in life. He told me to tell the demon he needed to leave and if he wasn’t a friend of God he didn’t need to be in my house. Told me to repeat the Lord’s Prayer and said to NOT use sage or frakensence as those “cleaning rituals” actually invite other spirits into the home. I haven’t had a visit since. Dream or not.. freaked me tf out.
I had a few recurring dreams that would like come back every year or so during my childhood. One was about Halloween. I was in like this house and people were invading it and the floor was lava and monsters were in the lava like crocodiles and vampires and stuff. And I'd have to navigate them and use furniture to get around but I was also afraid to leave the house so I was just trapped in my house running away from halloween monsters while also using their bodies as stepping stones. I also had one about being late to a horse race but that one was weird af and I don't remember it in too much detail.
For most of my childhood, i had this recurring dream about me making a monster, a la frankenstein... But it was actually a demonic looking pikachu. He would throw me over a cliff and sometimes id float back up but most of the time i woke up on the floor cause i fell off my bed. It still messes me up to this day but luckily i dont have it anymore. (Like pikachu SHOULD be cute af right? Think pikachu as cujo)
Ok I’ll try. The dream was so long ago so I forgot the exact details. I have a pet koi at my parent’s place. I was trying to rescue him from dying but like a puppy he sacrificed his well-being and jumped into my cupped hands. He was following me around like a puppy. I could almost feel the scales in my hand it felt so real. And that dream was memorable because it was around the time of my hospitalization in the nut house.
My most memorable dream was something I could never forget and probably will stay as a dream only lol. And the most interesting thing is that, I'm actually dreaming in this dream So in this dream dream what happens is , An unknown stranger posts me letters along with gifts every week. I was surprised and of course curious, so I started writing back. And every night I will dream of that person. This went on for a couple of months and I came to know that this person was actually a girl, but she always refused me to tell her name or any other personal info, all I had was her address. Slowly as one more month passed by, I started to have feelings for her and will start imagining her beautiful face in my dreams.And finally one day I decided to go meet her in person, but didn't tell her about it.Later on that night in a dream, I was actually going to propose her. Guess what happened next, my dad splashed some water on my face and woke me up (Sorry it's all confusing, but that was all what happened and this is the best way I could explain it) (And congrats on your escape )
I wanted to comment earlier but I fell asleep (blame the hard night shift) So,i will tell you my dearest dream. Years ago,whenever I would be stressed or had a big event in my life and I would worry,every time,I would dream the same thing. I dream myself wandering in a massive building,i go up some stairs and I look in a room and find this cute little girl,around 10 years old,with long blonde hair and wearing a white dress. She comes to me and starts talking to me,smiling,as if she knew me,she even says my name. She starts showing me the building,the rooms,tells me about the people inside,but I can't see their faces,I can only see her face. And suddenly,I realize it's a hospital and she is there,the rooms are not normal rooms. Her face change and the smile fades and she tells me to run because the nurse is coming and she will catch me if I stay. She takes me to some doors that lead to a garden and she tells me to run. I see the nurse coming after me so I run and all I hear is the little girl shouting: you will be fine,just run and be confident. Don't ever come back. ___________________________ The interesting part is that,as I mentioned a few days ago,I am a nurse,i used to work in hospital and a few months ago I just ran away. I gave my resignation and left. And all I remember is that on the day I left the hospital it was such a sunny day the light would blind you. I consider that girl to be my little angel who protected me and helped me stay strong.
I have always had very vivid and very weird dreams, most of the time they're nightmares, though. There are a handful that stand out but I'll only list three. 1. I couldn't have been more than 5 years old and I had a dream about a red ribbon floating through space. There was a very strong and audible beat going on in this one that made me feel like my heart was slowing down and I remember waking up in a panic. To this day, alllll these years later, if there is any song or rhythm that has that specific beat to it, I start to feel like I'm going to have a panic attack. 2. Again as a young child, I had very vivid recurring dreams of native americans dancing and chanting around a fire and speaking in their native tongue. I have always felt like I have some sort of sixth sense and been a very open minded person in regards to the afterlife, past lives, so on and what some would refer to as the supernatural and part of me wonders if it was a regression of sorts considering my family history of being of native american descent. After that, I remember telling my dad about it and he sat me down and taught me some words and phrases in Cherokee. Kind of a cool thing that came out of it. 3. This one might sound wild but bear with me. It ties in to #2 with what I was saying about a sixth sense or whatever. The morning of June 6 2015, my cat very suddenly died. About a week after, I had a dream that I'll never forget. I was at my grandmother's house at the time and I opened the front door and found Sid, my cat, sitting on top of a barrel that she always had on her front porch. He sat staring at me as if he was trying to tell me something and I remember looking up, the sun shining above him and feeling a sense of peace. I reached out and pet him then I woke up. So, the crazy thing about this is that a week after the dream I had the week after he passed, my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. I told my mom about my dream after my grandmother passed and she said that with it taking place how and where it did, maybe Sid was preparing me, like it was a warning or something. That's something I already knew, though, it being a warning. That dream is a very comforting one and I find myself thinking about it on days where I'm depressed and find peace in it. Maybe Sid is my guardian angel or something now, idk. Sorry for the book, lol. I have so much more I could say regarding the third and how in touch I am with that kind of stuff. I spent many years trying to deny certain aspects of myself because they're taboo and only the people who have witnessed some of these things happening to me actually believe it. Dreams are only a small factor of it for me. If you're ever curious, I'm happy to divulge in dms.
I had sleep paralysis (i guess it’s what they call it) last two yrs ago and it was bad. It was short but really bad. One dream was about a lady, a white lady standing beside at my bedside looking down on me with her hair on her face. And just staring at me. It was so bad that even in my dream, even if i closed my eyes i could still see the image of it at the back of my head. I couldn’t do anything but moan loud enough for my roommate to wake me up. After a few weeks, i wasn’t able to wake up or do anything again, when this chucky-looking creepy child crept up on me and started doing something on my neck. Which is really weird cause I could definitely feel what it was doing on my neck. ? And the last dream that i could say was really creepy was about this two guys who were standing in front of our toilet, i could see their shadow cause of the light coming from our toilet, after that, one of them started walking towards me and just started fist-pounding my ankles. ?? And yea, i can also feel the pounding which was really creepyyyyy I have a lot of weird dreams though. There was even one time when i was doing parkour while wearing a heavy blue dress
I had a simple yet memorable dream and I so badly want this dream to be a reality. Our family is quite a large one and we have this traditional family home where we all gather for festivals and other events. All my cousins move out of the family one by one after their marriage and finally my time came, and I never wanted to leave that place full of wonderful memories. So I decided a plan and suggested all my brothers and sisters to buy land and houses near to our 'tharavadu'(Family home). Everyone was so delighted about the idea and finally I was able to gather each and every one of them. Despite wherever we worked, we always gathered together on every weekend and spend our time peacefully enjoying the joyful atmosphere at our family home And I wish this dream could actually come true and last forever ️
I’m amazed that everyone wrote paragraphs for the question, Thank you for pouring out your dresms here! They were all unique, sweet and spooky in their own way! today is a new day, and with a new day, is a new question! ☃ today's rewards ? ☃ ❀ yay stat items ❀ ❀ random furniture ❀ ❀ gift to signify how much you suck ❀ My favourite game is “let me rest my eyes for a bit” in the morning. ☃ question of the day ☃ on December 15, 2018 QoTD: What is your favouite and your most hated high school memory? Answer Genre: Anything goes. New Rule: I'll only be accepting unique answers! I'll tell you if your answer is not unique! ☃ special thanks for donations ☃ ellliii Schwanz Milkshakie I've decided that I'm going to be handing out the wonderful donations at the end of the giveaway. When the event is over, I will be generating different numbers based on the number of replies, and I'll match it with the respective post number. Please note that this allows duplicate winners for the donations, but invalid answers would not be included. good luck, wannabe dev, rynn - rip, i wont be going on a trip no more -
Hmmm,my favorite highschool memory? God,is been so many years since I finished I guess my favorite was going to choir practice. We were the weirdest team ever. We had vocals,electric guitars,violins,keyboards and we would practice every weekend. And while waiting for the teacher we would just jam different folk or rock songs. We were a happy bunch,making jokes and really celebrating life. Worst memory was being bullied for my weight so bad that i wanted to die. I hated everything and i only learned how to pretend I was ok.
Favorite: skipping school with my boyfriend at the time to go to the skate park where he tried to teach me how to drop into a bowl. Insisted in wear pads and a helmet and thank god I listened because I dropped in and ate shıt within 3 seconds. I was embarrassed but he thought it was cute. Least favorite: everything else??? But really tho, eating a habanero pepper at lunch with some friends and my mouth being blistered for a couple of days.
favorite : I have lots ! I used to skip pep rallies and go to the park and make out with people all the crazy football games, experiencing drugs and drinking and smoking etc, but my faves would definitely be with ROTC; I was in ROTC back in high school which led to my military career. I went to many camps due to it, many trips, and met many people that gave me great opportunities. I was a leader, in fact the leader of everyone lol (BC)
My favorite high school memory.. Alright. I have a crap ton of ridiculous stories from school, like the day 14 male students came in but.. In drag. But I just need to pick "one", oh goodness. So! My senior year, it's the week before 2nd semester exams, and it's also prank week. We aren't allowed to have a prank day like some high schools, so it's become a bit of a tradition there for the seniors to pick a random week to scatter pranks throughout, and everyone needs a stress reliever before exams.. So why not? We skipped Monday because two of the grade levels weren't there, boooooring. It was a chill day though. My class got food from our teacher (ily ms daisy))): ) First it was working with the lunch ladies (I miss u Barbara I hope ur dog is doing good) to switch all the food with jello that had different foods in it. Shít was nasty. Red jello with chicken mixed in. Green with vegetables. It looked bizarre, seeing the foods just floating around lmao. We ended up having to switch the food back out before all the grade levels could see it though (sorry freshmen, I never liked 70% of u anyways tho) Next we worked with a janitor and our dean of students. We opened all the lockers, took everything out (kept the items labeled in separate piles ofc, we won't make the kids search for their shít lmao) and filled it with streamers, glitter, stuff that made it look like a unicorn just threw up in there. It was amazing. I had glitter in my hair for a solid week after, worth it. So many kids flipped out, but the best part was getting the principal to open one first. "Wilkinson can you open my locker? I left my lunch and lost my code pass" said Emmile. And open it she did. She was livid. A beautiful sight. Next was a mellow one, we were just pulling mini surprise parties throughout the day for the teachers (there weren't many, it was a rather small school). But its especially because we needed them on our side for the last prank, though three of the grades general favorite teachers got food instead of just a "thank you!" with some flowers because they actually deserved some extra love. One teacher threw his mug at us because he got scared and this kid Brendan had to go home because it shattered next to him. RIP broken mug and RIP Brendans ear (he didn't lose it, but that's one of the things that got hit, he needed stitches) 90% of seniors dont have classes on Friday! Woo! But also boo because the we, the ones actually partaking in prank week, had to wake up at 4am anyways. A student named Patricio was known for his three miniature pigs and his chickens that some of us would occasionally stop by to help with. He was also now going to be known for bringing them to school. The chickens loved when people were over, so we made them a spot in the middle of the main hall where they could be petted by students and also scream at the teachers, or students, whoever they for some reason hated upon first glance. There was hay everywhere. Every hallway had some.amount in it.. And they also had three miniature pigs wandering around them, which is what we needed the teachers for, we didn't want any students messing with the pigs. The principal went completely insane for like an hour when she got there. "WHO LET YOU IN THE SCHOOL FOR THIS?!" Well ma'am, the dean of students did. "WHY IS THERE A PIG?!" There's actually two more wandering around "WHERE?!" It was so funny. She ended up coming around to it when Patricio got the smallest pig (her name is pinky and I love her): ) and was having the principal pet her. That piggy falls asleep in the cUtest ways. Now my least favorite memory? Having to clean everything up. It was worth it, but cleaning up was still a pain. Okay bye.
Warning- sad and could be potentially triggering My favorite and least favorite memories are very closely related. I should start by explaining my class was very close as I grew up in a small town and my graduating class was 27. Being that small everyone really had everyone’s back when they needed it. My least favorite memory was in 10th grade my best friend committed suicide. I left in a Friday and by Monday the principal and guidance counselor called me into the office to tell me the sad news personally. It was a giant heartbreak for the community but it completely destroyed me for a very long time as we were kind of “outcasts” and were each others only close friends. That leads to my favorite memory which was the outpour of people there to help me. I met my best friend to this day because he was there for me everyday even when I didn’t want him to be, he helped me through a very hard time I don’t know how I could have handled without him ️
My most hated high school memory will live in my mind forever. I was at lunch grabbing my food like the starving little twat I was. It had been a long day and I was already mad from teachers being dumb. I was grabbing my fries and I touched the heater thing they sat on my accident and boy was that thing hotter than squidward when he slammed his face into a door. I proceeded to jump back yelling "MOTHERF*CKER" spilling my tray everywhere, including on the cute af dude behind me.After I regrouped myself I had a hand on my shoulder, it was the principal. (Of course) and my mother got called because I said "motherf*cker". Best part about it though, I ended up goong in a date with the cute guy that wore my lunch, Didnt work out but, ill never forget that day,
Hmm maybe having art class it’s was satisfying painting and drawing. Also learning new techniques. It was fun...and I remembered selling my art ️
Favourite: Throwing a keg out of a window after cops came to break up the party, and/or smoking weed in the mornings in my car playing Santeria by Sublime before first period. Least favorite: Having a transfer kid that was a self-proclaimed furry ask me out on a date, fyi, i'm a guy and he's a guy.