Okay I'm gonna go with a magical item, but I suppose it could easily be a spell or potion. A ring, made out of the same wood as your wand, and a jewel like stone - but the stone is actually a mini potion of sorts: - 1 drop of liquid luck - 1 phoenix tear - 1 unicorn tear - 1 mermaid scale - 1 drop of your blood This ring helps those suffering from numerous mental health issues, anxiety, depression, bipolar etc. And when said person is struggling, or going through a particularly bad epsiode, the ring feels you with an emotion of belonging, happiness or calmness - basically it grounds you, although it doesn't last for long. Not to distract you, or help you forget or whatever - but to ground you enough, so you dont hurt yourself or others. Congrats on the internship, have fun in the escape room. And .... can I do a few other entries lol I'd love to make up some other crap (but no stat items wanted lol, just wanna boost my creativity)
This is a spell so you can become invisible.... First you die. (You become a ghost) The end. I’m sorry lolz
Ngl, had so much fun coming up with the last magical object, I'm gonna make another. And for those wondering I AM NOT geeting gifted for this or any other future entries, based on todays question. I'm just being extra lmao. Spell: motum ducit ad augendam (to increase motivation) Or excitare (to motivate) for short. - Heat pond water on a blue flame, and stir counter clockwise 4 times. - Add in 2 newt eyes - A dash of butter beer or firewhiskey - Simmer for 3 minutes - Add a crushed pumpkin seed - Drop in one go, 4 beetles - Leave on low heat for 24 hours 1 mouthful warrants 1 hour of motivation - good for studying, cleaning or excersing.
Homemade mandrake repellant. 1) spray bottle, any size. 2) water blessed by moonlight 3) 5 sprigs of Nepeta Cataria 4) 1 can of ravioli 5) morter and pestal 6) fork 7) earmuffs Take the Nepeta and place in morter, crush into tiny flakes. Crush more because you got distracted you forgot a can opener. Hold fork over the bowl and pour moon water over it. Continue until flakes mix with water evenly. With the can opener you've found, crank the ravioli can open and feast while dropping some blessings cuz you stubbed your toe on the table. Ravioli finished, pour the mixture into the spray bottle, shake until bubbles pop to the surface. Don your earmuffs and spray the plant all over, don't miss even a drop. Get the leaves, soil, cranky little face-everything. Now wait, because it's not working. Wait longer. Still nothing. No, wait. Cats. Hundreds upon hundreds of stray cats have piled into your greenhouse. Eating your plants. Oh heck they're everywhere. Cats. Cats. Cats. You return to the recipe to find what you've done wrong. It's a troll recipe, and you just made the school's most effective catnip spray.
How does super man fly? Simple, he jumps, and gravity says "not worth it". He just does his arm thing to look cool lol.
Magical item: enough sleep eye mask An eye mask you can wear that will put you to sleep instantly and only let you sleep the desired amount of time. Need to wake up and study for a final in 3 hours? No problem with this special eye mask!
Wonderful question!!! I'll go with the magical item, It is called Lostvayne synchrony , it is based on the name of the sacred treasure of my character Dragon's sin of Wrath Meliodas, it has the ability to produce exact clones of myself with my energy equally split up between them (Hope u have a great time at Escape Room)
my magical item would be a backpack that could summon any object at any time. it would be so useful.. think of all the possibilities! but now that i think about it i basically want the backpack from dora the explorer ?
Superman doesn't really fly. He can jump well and fall in style. Science is not really a profession of comic writers.
Me personally, I like to be prepared whatever I'm doing, but that usually means when I go hiking, I'm carrying a crap ton of stuff, so I would want a bag/sack/pouch that has subspace storage compartment, to carry things in so I only carry something that weighs less than a pounds, rather than a full load of 70+lbs. More science fiction tbh, but like... That's pretty freaking magical.
Okay. So this one is related the song i made like two days ago lol. Name: Hakuna Ma-Fart-A Ingredients: - 1 Fart of Pumba - 1 Lion Hair - 1 Hair of Timon What it does is: it makes your mind think inna different way. You see everything from the positive side and the only thing you do is helping others. In though situation you almost immediately find a way that makes everyone happy again. Its great. Hakuna Matata
Invicticus Makes you inconceivable as per the princess bride you also become immune to poison and have the quickest wits around
Well idk that Superman can fly but I'll just guess with some supernatural power or something? That involve Einstein's logic. Let's just say it. We won't live without E=mc²
Tired of under eye bags? Or are you just tired in general? With the almighty “Ojo ojo” potion, you can get rid of them in a stir of a pot! All you need is: -Half a cat’s eye -1 lbs. of dragon scale -3 lbs. Pig’s earwax -Foundation (separate use) First, you need to boil a small cauldron of water—bottled for better results, but tap water will suffice—then plop in a pound of pig’s earwax and gradually add more as you stir it into a slime-like substance. Next step is to break the dragon scales into tiny crumbs and add a dash into the cauldron all at once until it begins to melt into the potion. Throw in a cat’s eye and stir it well into the cauldron and there you have it. Drink a pint of the potion before bed, sleep like a baby for 9 hours, and wake up with little to no under eye bags. Don’t worry if it’s still there! Just apply foundation and you’re ready to go! And yes, this potion is a scam.