30 Days Of Giveaway Cheers!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rynnethia, Dec 1, 2018.

  1. So,I'm 27 y/o and for 4 years I've been a nurse so I wonder every day who tf would give so mich responsability to someone like me? I still watch cartoons and dream about weird stuff and I'm basically a kid taking care of adult kids and whenever I see them being confused and all I wonder how I ended up in such a mess. I need someone to clean my mess and check on me when I have fever. I can't deal with others. But than a patient will poop in a random place and I realize I'm ok,I've seen too much poop. I can handle this.

    Also,flowers have roots but other creatures don't because we can't fly but we have this things called legs that we loose control over when we drink too much alcohol amd we wish we had roots so we won't fall so often when we're drunk because plants are just staying in a place and don't have to work,don't have to do chores and don't have to socialize with other plants.
  2. Im in the army; so I’m basically supposed to lead EVERYONE. Its honestly really fun but really hard and stressful. But I do love assigning push ups so like don’t mess with me ? sorry not very funny lol. And for the flower thing; flowers have roots to provide them nutrients , we just eat with our hands and crap out our butts so ya know
  3. The biggest responsibility I had was taking care of redoing the power lines in my house, this house was like from the 1970s, and I was only like 12, Dad wya my clumsy ass wasn't tryna die from 10k volts to the heart. Nowadays pls kill me living sucks ?
  4. He flies by clapping his cheeks together
  5. Wrong question
  6. Flowers and trees are the children of mother Gaia, and since the war between the Greek Gods, she hid in the center of the earth, and her children send her energy through their roots.
  7. Okay,

    There was this drama in our school annual day function and intially I was doing a role that suited me really well. But suddenly two days before the event, the lead character got ill and my teacher entrusted me with the responsibility since I was so good at memorizing dialogues.But what happened was almost a tragedy coz I'm too shy when talking to girls and there was a scene where I have to hold the female lead character and tell her that I love her no matter the situation we are put in. I was literally sweating it out on the stage and my makeup became a mess. But the girl was so confident and pulled me through to the end ?
    That has been the most responsible I have ever done 
  8. Not the biggest responsibility, but a funny one.

    So let me tell you the tale of our bi-weekly shopping run from this weekend where I was given a task that really should've been easy;

    I was given the responsibility to go to the other side of the store where the bread, juice, etc. is to get some orange juice and cookies while my bf was getting a new set of headphones. On my way through the aisles, I got distracted by the art supplies and got a new sketchbook, forgot what I was supposed to be getting, went to the fish area, couldn't remember if we had food for the animals so I got two bags of food for the cats and dog, and then found the electronic section again just to see he wasn't there anymore. Then I saw I had 4 missed calls... My phone was on DND. Good job, me. And then I was told to stay there and look at games while he came back with a cart so he could do the shopping.

    It wasn't all bad. The animals DID need new food, I got a new game and sketch book, and I got to sit in the basket of the cart because I "wAndEr oFf toO easily"

    Anyways that's why I can't be given tasks when at the store because there are too many things I want):
  9. Plants question cuz i dont take responsibilities. I know ill fluck em up anyways.

    What if the roots of a plant arent the actuall roots but if the plant is a root f earth into the sky so that the Earth can do its proper cycle around te sun instead of floating away. Its like an anker into the air. The real plant is on the inside of the Earth and thats what the beautiful part about it is?

    I cant follow myself anymore. Hope yall understand. If not than... yeah. Thats fooked oop. Bye
  10. Flowers think they own the world so they put their roots on the ground...stüpid flowers ?
  11. ??? nice ending answer
  12. yay new hunt! on behalf of the series, we're going to have a question related to the series!

    today is a new day, and with a new day, is a new question!

    today's rewards ?
    ❀ yay stat items ❀
    ❀ random furniture ❀
    ❀ gift to signify how much you suck ❀

    escape room is today, yeep yeep ?

    question of the day
    on December 13, 2018

    QoTD: Make up your own spell, potion or magical item, describe what it does, and name it.
    Answer Genre: Anything goes.

    New Rule: I'll only be accepting unique answers! I'll tell you if your answer is not unique!

    special thanks for donations

    good luck,

    wannabe dev, rynn

    - guess what? ya girl got an internshippp <3 -
  13. He sold his soul to the dark lord
  14. In a plane. Like normal people. Duh!
  15. Okie here is my idea for a potion.

    After you sip it everything you hear, read, see, taste will be permanently remembered. It'll last 6 hours. Useful when you're trying to study a thing. It'll be made from kale and dragon spit and it tastes disgusting so most ppl won't take it; you need to drink at least a litre of it for it to work.

    Name: "l'eau d'éléphant" since elephants have good memories.
  16. You both need to read the latest question. It's like right above your posts.
  17. A power is the anything power. All you have to do if touch someone and you’ll have that power for as long as you need, to give it back you have to touch them again. And cause there’s always a catch ?‍♀️ the person who’s power you touch will fall into a coma until you return their powers back.
  18. Ever since I was a kid Ive always wanted a spell to cast on myself to give me the power of cleaning

    Cmon, have you ever wished that you could say "wash the dishes", snap your fingers AND the dirty dishes just start flying arpund in the kitch, washing themselves and putting themselves away?

    So Id create a spell to give me the power of cleaning like *snap* laundry is done. Ig its the lazy part of me but alos the part that hates washing thanksgiving dishes
  19. I’d make a spell named movement mind
    The spell after cast would give the caster the ability to move small things like light switches, keys, door handles, etc with their mind for a short time. The harder you focus the bigger the item. I would use it to turn off my light switch every night before bed because I’m lazy asf ?
  20.  Potion 
    ? Yeetus Peenus(a repelling potion) ?

    ? Having issues with f-boys throwing their little pps at you?
    ?Wish there was some kind of potion you could take so they would leave you alone?
    ? Wellll, look no further folks! We’ve got a new potion called “Yeetus Peenus” for whenever you need to yeet an annoying little boy from your life!


    A sprinkle of cinnamon
    A cup of tequila
    Crush up two dandelion roots
    Add some wormwood essence
    (Maybe slip some more tequila in there)
    A drop of butterscotch
    Okay just pour the whole bottle of tequila

    Stir it up and slurp it up! ?
    No more weirdos coming onto you in public because you’ll probably slip and fall down some steps and break your neck. ?
    No more surprising pics of dingalings popping up on your phone because you’ll probably be too wasted to even locate your cellular device anyways! ??
    Make yourself a hot mess for a lot less(annoyances)

    /We’re not responsible for any accidental deaths and/or injuries to the consumers of this potion./