30 cats between now and 9/30

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_I_-4m-G0IN6-7o-CHILL-y0U-__-, Jul 16, 2018.

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  1. Congrats Lala-Land!!! You won for being the first person to quote someone else!!!
  2. Is that to make up for the wall argument sir? ^ ?
  3. Idk what this is but I love it 
  4. Can -_I_-4m-G0IN6-7o-CHILL-y0U-__- win one?

  5. It's supposed to be Kirby dancing but he didn't come out round enough :'(
  6. That's adorable!!!
  7. hope i can win a cat for my club for once ??
  8. No. That type of argument unfortunately... ends in a block. However, I still have to honor the contest. She can choose to decline. More cat for someone else...
  9. See. I was gonna leave it alone and not be like that buttttttt.... ?
  10. Me when I found out I won

  11. My birthday is on September 30th LMAO
  12. Not the place, my dudes ??

  13. idk what this is but its funny k bye
  14. You right. You right. Someone has to be the voice of reason ???
  15. OooOooO well I’ll be
  16. Congrats to MayaTheHopeful... you are a winner for being the first person to quote themselves on my thread without a picture!!!
  17. Is there a winner for first poster to use coloured text?
  18. No, but that would have been Lyssa anyway.
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