No. Just... No. Your kids and husband are totally different. One you chose to love and bring into your life as a partner, and the other is a gift to the world that you helped create/raise. Cheating, addictions, poor choices, et cet. are taken very differently when it's your children versus your spouse. Your child cheats on a test, and you are upset with his values and attempt to correct it in your preferred patenting style. Your husband cheats on you with a colleague, and it's an entirely different thing. For one, you can't force a punishment onto another adult (we will assume not laws were broke). For another, now you must choose whether to work past the hurt in your heart and still continue to love them or to let them go and move on. When your partner of 10 years suddenly developes a cocaine or alcohol addiction and has not only their life, but your's and your children's lives as well, spinning out of control, you have to choose whether you continue love them and working on things. No. My wording does not suck. I mean you choose to love someone. I'm not saying you choose to feel love for someone, but you choose whether you pursue those feelings or ignore them.
Does your sorry ass believe that an unnecessary use of seemingly big words to display your rudimentary vocabulary somehow intimidates anyone? Like my original post said 'Wishful thinking is cute'. This tier you speak of is imaginary and just in your head. All you are is a big ol' egotistical self-absorbed, self-praising, self-proclaimed greatness kiddo. Keep trying. Maybe one day you'll be able to convince others too of your fallacy and delusions. Follower? Feed you grapes? Babyboy you ain't Chris Hemsworth. P.S. Don't type paragraphs. I don't like responding with them. You aren't worth that effort. ?