Love who you wanna love, it's no one else's business but your own. Having said that, I will admit I don't want to see PDA (like aggressively sucking each other faces off etc) happening right in front of me when I'm out in public ... BUT I feel this way about ANY couple, gay, lesbian, straight, bi, lizards, dolphins, my parents etc etc Call me a prude if you will...
Maybe cuz unless you are a Buddhist, your religion is guilty of murdering thousands if not millions of innocent people? Open up a history book lol
a very conservative estimate on the number of innocents murdered in the name of Christianity is 100 million .. I've seen others estimate it 250-450mil..,, Do u hear gay people ever murdering anyone cuz they are a Christian? When u do, and that number hits oh, say, 50,000, u can revoke this pride gift and replace with a Christian one ?
Alright, let's get this thread back on topic and not into a religious debate. Also to those asking, this will remain in the store.