2x Money Money - Login Bonus

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Dec 10, 2014.

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  1. Yep.
  2. LOL
  3. Sell me u r tut teddy.haha
  4. Tari masi na tel na dhokla bhave
  5. ๎Sorry bud, english only in forums...this way moderators can see what you say.

  7. I, of course, read where it was edited... But, people are still asking after the fact... There were people still asking after the change was pointed out. I read what OP posted and all of the comments before I decided to post, but thank you for the assumption ..
  8. I assume sweethoneycake didn't mess up the code but was emphasising that they are using the code for orange to stress 'dark gold'
  9. Sooo what happened to the 2x today? Never got mine logged in after 4pm and started party. No bonus.
  10. 4pm pst is in about 9 minutes
  11. My gold still hasnt started and I reset my phone ๎™
  12. Why is it not working. ...on bith my accoynts
  13. Do have to log out nd log back in to become gold? Cause after 4 I don't turn gold
  14. If it doesnt show up just force close pimd and start it up again you dont even need to restart you phone. ?
  15. posting to see my post count. ๎๎’
  16. Ugh my gold hasn't worked all day & I force closed it. Logged out and restart my phone why hasn't it worked none. I feel cheated
  17. Its Party in my dorm.. Not War in my dorm lmfao
  18. Which beans
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