2x Cat Cafe Payout

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Mar 3, 2017.

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  1. If I Say something more I'm pretty sure we will end up Fighting.
    So I'll Just Leave :roll:
    Oh & Try Not To spam please
    I just use the word "please"
  2. Your opinion is your opinion. Enjoy the game.
  4. Agree. I stopped too GP Jersey. Not fun anymore when you got the credit card billing ???. hahahaha but what to do ATA is really good in luring. Me and my mahal stay in cc club at least to complete the story.
    ATA release 2x


    I'm only here because of my old friends and my loyal tuts but im losing them already. The hunts are very demanding and its taking more of my time.. I realized I cant play game 24/7. Health and rl is more important. I agree with Jersey. This game should be for FUN
  6. Here we go again :lol:
  7. Yes,Rang, some of them come back. But treat this game like chat app instead of a game lol. Why? Because this game has been changed become a wallet sucker. I know its a choice. Take it or leave it. Lol some of old players who are still staying, knowing if this game is not as fun as previous but hard to leave tut and friend here. Once more the same choice: take it or leave it, but don't forget that your tut, pup, rs, friends etc etc beg and hope u never leave them here. Haha. Seem Ata use this condition. So I feel, I have no right to whine about what ata offer in this game since They give a choice to us to leave the game. But seriously, Ata forget that pimd is a game and should be fun and the fact is Pimd now is so stressful lol. My friend quit because of her hypertension here lol. So what we can do just dont take this game seriously. Thats why after 90% of my tuts have quit game, I always control myself never chase top 10-100-etc. I even never want to chase medal. Why? Because I think its a ridiculous challenge which will make me got fired and sick if chase the top medal rank and I don't wanna be their mouse which run on the roulette machine. Lol . Btw I am sure what become their target is not 10000 +++ like what u get. Lol at least over 60000 lol so yeah I can understand how they feel. And I absolutely agree with JerseySun. Sorry . Peace... Haha
  8. Support!
    My tuts and their pup are all inactive now.. ? nothing much to do in this game but hit cat cafe..

    Everyone has become an expert... Unload on eat, avoid facepalm, then hit peace sign bar with caution... count your hits!
  9. Lol.once more after count ur hits,Grandpa Gina hahaha : setting an alarm. Lol

  10. I agree 100%
  11. Ata has become so money hungry they don't care about the well being or financial state of their players to advance in this game has all become about how much money u can spend. Ata was once fun with wars and pro parties now everyone who can do cc is zombifide hitting eat, fp, and ps bring some fun back in the game think about ur players not ur dang paychecks.
  13. Agreed 
    No beta wars too ???
  14. 
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  15. Everyone over 20 mcs spends money its just a matter of why we spend money. Some of those reasons have nothing at all to do with the hunts or ata. The promos its just a weekend long care package. Yes if you want to achieve the higher ranks of any app you spend money. You can play without spending it is possible. For every 100 or so free players there is that one spender that gets into it and wants to rank up. I don't have an issue with promos. I do however have issue with not listening to you're long term spenders on what they would like to see.

  16. Lol, good observation.
  17. 24 mcs haven't spend anything here
    Don't assume things kiddo
  18. ^Just checked I'm 25mcs
  19. I stopped spending months ago
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