2K14 Farmers

Discussion in 'Wars' started by BAD-Toy, Jul 2, 2014.

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  1. Weak assess do you see that deal Kenny made lol
  3. This thread is so last month
  4. Pshhh we sure as hell didn't disband cuz of you
  5. Sam you party fairy
  6. Sam I'm 2mc hit me
  7. He won't do it 
  8. Ascension and rising stars have been warring for as long as i can remember, and the sad thing is.....you can always go to forums and click on some random post and see some newb (not noob, there is a difference) trying to stor some shyt up between 'A' and RS just cuz they heard rumors through the grapevines about their nonexistent legit beef.
  9. Kevyy ur just suck
  10. HI bby
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