2016 Dormlympic Summagames

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 5, 2016.

  1. Are sports bags giftable?
  2. Sports bags are not giftable. Sorry!
  3. So basically we do 3 different parties to collect 3 different medals and they get taken away at the end of the day?
  4. I'm very confused @-@
  5. Also, if there's a summer games, then does this mean there will be winter games too?? That'll be interesting! 
  6. Off topic but will there ever be a pvp event like kaw grant?
  7. This is a lame hunt
  8. Ata u are smart :) people will flash everyday
  9. Worst hunt you have done yet ata. Top 500/100/10 a day? Seems only the flash cat cafe spenders will get any rewards this hunt  apes back at it again with terrible hunts. Return to old hunts please one Ava for both gender with a gift able key after we got the Ava we wanted thanks like the spring hunt last year.
  10. Ohh gosh the avs
  11. I don't understand what I'm supposed to be doing. But cool
  12. Gymnast is so beautiful 
  13. I'm so confused. Too tired for this.
  14. Way too complicated, too much going on at once
  15. Them avi's is lit
  16. I like the new idea, but for the top 10 VIP avatars only problem I see you literally have to be active everyday or you will not make the 130 bags. Maybe in the future make it a little less, 120 even so if something does come up they still have a chance. :)
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  17. :lol:
    Yeah , to get 130 bag one needs to flash like crazy for 2weeks :lol:
    This amuses me :lol: