2016 Dormlympic Pin Collecting

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 5, 2016.

  1. Bring on the pie hunt and pie avatar baby
  2. 300 pins? Did you think about our poor showcases? They already struggle to load as is ?
  3. Is there an exact number??
  4. I see a few flags from the soccer world cup hunt years ago
  5. Is there a Portugal pin?
  6. I want UK pin. Don't care about the rest.
  7. Could they possibly be numbered please? Will make it easier to know which we're missing since

  9. Great idea! We'll add this now!
  10. So the ones in the spinner are there for the rest of this event? Those ones don't disappear?
  11. Nope the ones in the spinner will remain for the entire event.
  12. cheers Mario
  13. a

    Are the pins from the spinner also dropping from parties or are they spinner-exclusive? Same with the gifts, are they gift-exclusive or do they drop too?
  14. Re: a

    The ones in the Spinner are spinner-exclusive, and same with the Gift ones. All the ones dropping from parties are also party-exclusive to that party.
  15. Someone trade me that Bra pin though
  16. So basically to get all these pins you have to do all the parties pretty much right?
  17. Defiantly do not want my showcase littered with 300 different pins. I'll pass hard enough finding things as it is.
  18. 246 pins. Damn Mario
  19. Can we see a post of all the possible pins??