12hr war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by GodGator, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. you don't do it for the hate comments. You do it because you think you're funny and want others to feel the same. Well you aren't. I speak for most of forums when I say, you are a nuisance.
  2. He didnt get anyone involved. This is a public thread and we're all reading it and comment as we choose.
  3. Bad  obviously your psychic.


    Me over and out.
  4. I think Bad is a awsome club.lost i cant hit you to small so i know someone that will spank you.
  5. I also think bad is a good club, just has some idiots in.
  6. Hey OP your farmer got me.

  7. Pretty pathetic for her stats

  8. I have nothin to lose boo so ill be in your news feeds alldayLuv heaven
  9. What happened to y'all farming me? Including bad attitude 
  10. Haven't had an inc from any of you pussies in over 12 hours
  11. Pro how big r youYou like talking shit to smaller stats your a *****.
  12. @mad's comment
  13. What do you mean what happened? We're still up in your newsfeed

    LG maybe it's because she doesn't have a 1.7mcs misc bonus like you?
  14. Bad attitude has plenty of people my size jackass ? ignorance is bliss
  15. You're obviously misinformed 
  16. She's fighting me, and I'm like 20k stats on fight she's 100k, she should be winning.
  17. pro you mad hun
  18. how am I misinformed?

    You couldn't farm me by yourself so you had to call in a 700kcs and I spanked both of youI'm not even 300. Sit down and know your place
  19. Lost guy your a lil kid ug so I can farm your lil ass hun