12 Days of Reindeer

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 3, 2015.

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  1. Dont forget red team they got 0 points
  2. And?? You wanna win? Spend some damn money
  3. Is this the case for everyone ?
    Cat Cafe drop after opening box from getting avatar
    Or has other people gotten Kini / dn / care packages /
  4. *Hypnocat
    I got hypnocat too
  5. Ty so much for finally giving me my round 2 rewards ?
  6. Can't my mom is the boss of the money
  7. You must had breifed us that if we will collect all the reindeer's then we will get the mascot ava . But you said its on luck u will be stuck on anything u are misguiding us 
  8. As I said hunt seas totally fixed only top player who collected 5000 reached 13 keys for rest no avatar no cat
  9. Collecting 5k wasn't hard. You could've done it even with potd. You won't be handed everything!
  10. Stop looking for handouts and start spending money
  11. That avatar is trash anyways...I don't get why people are so upset about it. :roll:
  12. People get upset about the stupidest things these days.
  13. i barely try for any avatars let alone those last huge ass avis :lol:
  14. I didn't get to use my keys? darn me and my real life...
  15. Please let me buy a blitzen box???!?!?!?
  16. A few more punctuation marks will get your point accross more effectively.
  18. please prove it by calculation, provide example
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