12 Days of Reindeer

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 3, 2015.

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  1. Diverse would be nice if the new avatars weren't so repulsive :/
  2. What are the team rewards? Sorry, reading this while looking for that was confusing.
  3. These are 2 of probably 6 avatars to be released in the next hunt. Calm your whiney asses down.?
  4. Holiday mascot looks like a serial killer in disguise
  5. When u said battle, I thought u meant battle 
  6. Take it or leave it
  7. Anyways so many complaining,bout avatar(s) but only 100 will get the drunk bear and I bet 90 of those never even come to forums
    No need to cry since none of you have a chance at it, amirite?
  8. Done. I'm done. Not even 48 hours after a very long, intensive hunt. These people think we're made of money? I'm sitting this out.
  9. Hi im Julie and i love BCS
  10. They're not gonna combine into an Ava. Same chances of getting reindeer and Ava I think? :cry: hope they don't surprisingly combine into an item... Else that would be x10 disappointing.
  11. Sarap ng ulam ko , Sinigang
    Share lang 
  12. *sees the avatars*
    *pukes copiously on the forum floor*
    K bai :roll:
  13. The members of the winning team should get 1 million phony money in each round
  14. Tea
  15. Hope the hunts get better
  16. The animals looks like they had to much to drink 
  17. Idk about this
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