
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Frog, Mar 13, 2019.

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  1. Clearly. Your account reeks of desperation. Go use some deodorant
  3. I remember when I had a sugar daddy business going on for mod crates, YOU TRIED TO DO THE SAME. I was out there... "HE SPOILS ALL THE NOOBS FOR FREE, HELPS WITH THE GAMES AND PROTECTS NOOBS."
  4. Please throw this stray a crumb of attention. He don’t deserve it. But just a crumb. So he can survive
  5. I mean you were included and I know you’ve posted previously about not being into guys and such but like I won’t stop you joining them ?
  6. Bold it please, is this new? I'm like sure this isn't new
  7. Weren’t you like begging on my wall a few days ago for GG to hit you? GG dgaf bout you ? make an alt and give yourself “fake losses” your own damn self.
  8. That’s really cute, Brandon. We still talk about how I snatched your wig off and the story never changes winners. Wieners, maybe. Can I say that on forums? Hot dog with no bread.
  9. Becoming a Sugar Baby for Mod Crates... I’m intrigued. Tell me more ??
  10. No, my wife would fu ck me up.
  11. Lmao but I steady had people from gang gang and the sub club in my nfs soooo hmm
  13. I mean I can just say something about your children again and get you mad
  14. Don’t worry about what my account is doing. ? and definitely not dtw lol. Oh. Do you not remember? When I was balls deep in your nfs. And you said you couldn’t do this. And cried yourself to sleep. I have the ss. All of tgj saw that ss. I guess you don’t remember me stripping some of your tuts that night. I guess you don’t remember waking up to over 300 hits. Hmm. Interestingly convenient.
  15. I thought gg wasn't hitting you bc theyre FaKe FaRmErS?
  16. That’s bad eh? ?
  17. Oh, allegedly there's a mod who gives out creates for "things." I don't know if it's true or not though. I only saw it on an older thread.
  18. It's funny because that's all out of context lmao you really think you affect me steph? On that level? Nah you're a joke
  19. They haven't hit me in days but still say I'm in sfw hmmm
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