
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by _prettyprincesss_, Jun 15, 2015.

  1. You're basically complaining that you got an avi even tho there are plenty of people out there who didn't even get a lighter and then to keep the attention on you, you made another thread just to reiterate something you already said despite now having the female avi that you so desperatly wanted.

    You are a spoiled brat.
  2. Oh shush you ^

    You're the one paying for cats in this game :roll:
  3. preach it
  4. Is this issue really important enough for two threads? You could've posted this on the other one and left it at that.
  5. That about covers it perfectly
  6. :lol: you're redeeming yourself of complaining too much by complaining?

  7. Right...

    I like ops post tho. She basically was saying others revolve our life around pimd. I agree op could of posted this petty bs on the other thread.

    Fact is ppl even under your stats got lighters. You just cried bcuz you didn't get the exact avi you wanted. So players who work to get things now days must have no life unlike you huh op? All you want is free things that's all. Grow the hell up op. I'd of rather given a lighter or key to someone who tried not some kid who cried bcuz she didn't get the kinda toy she wanted.

    Your damn name should be Petty Princess
  8. the event is over y bother to post and I'm not spoiled u don't know me and I didn't despartly want it I earned them
  9. I have the right to post what I want and the event is over so it really doesn't matter anymore
  10. Go get an life and stop trying to bring me down off of what i posted have some respect
  11. Angel you said that beautifully!!

  12. Why bother making this thread then? Event is over right....

    Oh you earned them alright. Looks like 2 free lighters in your gifts. Your posts on your last thread & on here shows she is right.
  13. You want respect? Grow up and earn it! What have you said or done in just these 2 idiotic threads that warrents respect?? "Boohoo I didnt get what I want" "waaaaaaaaa the pimd world is so hard and cruel".... no that doesnt warrent respect, that only deserves ridicule and disdain
  14. You guys are harsh lol. Just ignore it, no point in keeping this thread alive if the event is over already my dears ??
  15. Its like complaining I didn't get an Olympic gold medal

  16. The games were rigged!! You should have gotten gold in every event
  17. May the odds be ever in your favour